Cheney 94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire: - TopicsExpress


Cheney 94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire: Description of Video: George Bush Sr. and bin Laden Sr. are long-standing business partners. George Bush Sr. and the bin Laden family are on the board of the Carlyle Group, a large defense contractor. The bin Laden family financed George Bush Jr.s early failed businesses. From their generous contributions, even though the companies failed, George was still able to live high on the hog. According to the book Fortunate Son bin Laden money, invested via James Bath, enabled George Dubya to get hooked on cocaine. He was busted in 1972 but got off with community service at Project P.U.L.L. - a project for troubled youth. In 1995, his father arranged to have the record purged and his son to get a new drivers license number. James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of George W. Bush, was used as a cash funnel from Osama bin Ladens rich father, Sheikh bin Laden, to set George W. Bush up in business, according to reputable sources from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. The connection between GW Bush, the bin Laden family, and the Bank Commerce Credit International (BCCI) is well documented. The Bush dynasty has closer links to the bin Ladens than just about anyone else. George Bush Jr. arranged for the bin Laden family to escape the USA by private jet when everyone else was still under lockdown. The bin Laden family were asked no questions. Pakistans Secret Police (ISI), which has close ties to the CIA, secretly airlifted several thousand members of Al Qaeda, and, perhaps Osama, out of Afghanistan to safety shortly after 9/11. If it were you or me with this many links to the alleged perpetrators of 9/11, wed be rotting in Guantánamo Bays Camp Delta in shackles and chains. If it were Clinton, hed be lynched. But because it is BUSH, people pretend not to notice. I think before too much more money is wasted chasing phantom terrorists, it would be wise to interrogate Bush under oath to find out just what he knows. He seems to be on intimate terms with the reputed perpetrators.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:56:36 +0000

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