Cherokee Wisdom~ The Way of Harmony More Inspiration Solutions ~ - TopicsExpress


Cherokee Wisdom~ The Way of Harmony More Inspiration Solutions ~ In our search for meaning and in guidance for living our lives in more balanced ways, many of us turn to the wisdom of Native Americans. This beautiful Cherokee philosophy tells us about the purpose of life, our place in the sacred circle, and more. Simple Solution: Native Americans believe that every life is a gift to be treated with gratitude and respect. What has been referred to as the Harmony Ethic guides much of Native American living. For the Cherokee this encompasses the conscious avoidance of interpersonal conflict in an attempt to maintain reciprocally harmonious relations with all members of the tribe. The Harmony Ethic is a system based upon caring for fellow human beings through the expression of deep respect. This is the way to achieve harmonious survival. It also involves the presence of individual choice. To the Cherokee, a person has just as much choice in creating harmony as in creating disharmony. Within Native American traditions, it is widely believed that every person has a purpose to fulfill during his or her lifetime. Every person, like every animal, tree, plant, and mineral, possesses some unique quality or talent to be discovered through a variety of experiences in this world. Harmony is the key to meaningful life experiences in which all learning contributes to over all life purpose. This purpose is manifested by a striving for the wisdom and generosity exemplified by the Native American elder who has accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience in the world. Native American elders have learned the inner secrets to a harmonious existence and are the keepers of this wisdom. Traditional wisdom tells us that it is our purpose to face the world with courage in our hearts. This courage signifies a deep respect for the gift that we have been given through the ability to live, as well as a respect for all life. Courage transcends any circumstance, and ultimately comes from a harmony within oneself and between oneself and one’s universe--an inner strength derived from the unity of body, mind, nature, and spirit. There is an old saying: All that moves is sacred--only by understanding this can you realize the rhythm of Mother Earth, and thereby know how to place your feet. Bear: The bear is usually seen as a symbol of strength, dreaming, and protector/healer/ Beaver: The beaver is usually characterized as a builder. Buffalo: The buffalo is seen as a provider of all things for living and healing. Coyote: The coyote is seen as a playful trickster ( not unlike Kokopelli), playful, and humorous. Deer: Usually symbolize gentleness, kindness, and sometimes protection. Eagle: The eagle is one of the more recognized symbols that characterize the spiritual connection, and is the protector. Elk: The elk symbolize power. Feather: The feather is a universal symbol of spirit and flight. Fox: The fox is a symbol of intelligence. Horse: The horse is a symbol of strength and power, both physical and spiritual. Moose: The moose is a symbol of being headstrong, value and integrity. Owl: The owl characterizes bad omens as well as being a death messenger, although it is also meant to symbolize truth and wisdom. Pheasant: The pheasant is a symbol of warning. Rabbit: The rabbit is a symbol of fear and overcoming limiting beliefs. Snake: The snake has meaning as transformation (life cycles), as indicating life, death, and rebirth- because of the shedding of the skin. Sometimes it symbolizes a "life force." Spider: Creative. Spider-woman is a Pueblo goddess. Wolf: Symbolizes teacher of wisdom and new ideas
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 06:10:42 +0000

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