Cheryl Major gave me the number 9... 1. When I was 6 I ate a - TopicsExpress


Cheryl Major gave me the number 9... 1. When I was 6 I ate a mothball that I thought was a mint that I found under a bush. 2. About that same time while riding in the car with my mother a button fell off my shirt and I put it up my nose. Mom hit a bump and I inhaled the button. I never saw it again and feel it is in a lung. 3. Im really not sure how I survived to turn 7. 4. When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian and actually spent time at the local vet watching him perform surgeries. 5. I have a BA in advertising 6. I am a firm believer that 98% of what I have accomplished in life is due to where I was born and not my hard work or intelligence. I didnt pick to be born into a middle class family on the coast of Maine that valued education and wanted all their kids to succeed. If I had been born in Haiti I would be figuring out where to find food and what tree to tie my goat to today. 7. I once had a pair of pants that looked like living room drapes complete with the fringe - I was in 6th grade so I had no fashion sense. 8. My favorite movies to watch are horror movies - vampires and other creatures of the night not the cut them up and slash them movies of today 9. I was born this way
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:22:06 +0000

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