Cheryl says - Okay team, I know I may be sounding like a broken - TopicsExpress


Cheryl says - Okay team, I know I may be sounding like a broken record here, but I can not stress enough how you need to IGNORE those scales! I would never have believed this had I not seen the proof of myself!!! Again, this morning I woke up and weighed like I do every morning. And again I see I have not moved on that scale. Grrrr is the feeling. Still bouncing the same 2 lbs up and down for the last two weeks. But when I went to get dressed, the jeans I had been wearing felt looser than before, so I thought I would try on another pair of jeans from the other side of the closet, you know the side where the dream/goal clothes are.....A pair that as of two weeks ago I was not able to raise beyond my knees. TODAY, they pulled right up and zipped with no struggle!!! I couldnt believe it! Then I remembered, I had taken an after picture in these same jeans 4 years ago when I was also trying to lose weight and had spent 6 months of watching my calories and working out at the gym with a personal trainer 5 days a week and walking the other two days. Yes, I was successful then and got down to 135 lbs and felt great! But as soon as things in my schedule changed and life experiences got in the way of my workout routine, I gained all my weight back plus 10lbs. Today, I weigh 160 lbs and I am wearing the exact same clothes I wore at 135 lbs 4 years ago. This is further proof that Plexus works EXACTLY how they say it works, from the inside out, burning fat not muscle. I encourage you to look in your closet today and try on something you know will not fit and then re-check it weekly without worrying about what that number on the scale says! #diets #weightloss #feelgood #scales #health
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:42:49 +0000

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