Chew on this for awhile: Lets have a vote to have Oshawas - TopicsExpress


Chew on this for awhile: Lets have a vote to have Oshawas Grandview separate and join Clarington. Lower tax, and, better services. Who is with me? Or, Toronto from Ontario? That one makes sense, but leave the periphery areas like Scarborough with the province. Now, Canada, imagine Alberta and B.C with their oil, coal and gas reserves, if in a few years, Scotland becomes a wealthy nation, similar to Norway where the people get their share put into a reserve for the future. The separation issue will not only be alive in Quebec, Palideau is salivating at the thought of a YES vote, and, owns the media to be in favour, it could surface in other province. Interesting that of all the world separation movements and votes, only 6 have failed and Quebec is one of them. Alberta will be slow off the mark because they are landlocked, but, if Harper gets his way, Keystone opening the south, Gateway to the west, and Line 9 to the east, then, Alberta will be free to go. If BC and Alberta decide to leave together, then it could happen a lot sooner. Where would Saskatchewan and Manitoba roost, that is the big question and it would hinge on Quebec, and, access to markets. Now, if all the above named, go at the same time, then it is very close to the numbers required to allow separation Make no mistake, this is not a third world backwater, this is one of ours, and, it is going to set an interesting precedent. It has been said, so often, that north east and north west states bordering Canada, have more in common with their neighbours to the north, than Washington, what if, they follow this precedent? io9/5923080/10-movements-to-secede-from-the-united-states And then there is Hawaii. And, will this not give more credibility to Crimeas move? Scotland will be a model for so many, and, we have Cameron and his right wing agenda, Clegg for his betrayal, and, Brown for being just Brown. The worst three buffoons who went in to stop a YES. Migod, even Tony Blair would have done a better job. What about Catatonia and Venato? The Kurds who claim parts of Turkey and Iran? It sure turns ones imagination loose. Chris, Northern England industrial does have a lot more in common with Scotland than Westminster. The Irish who relocated to Liverpool et al, must be getting all warm and fuzzy at the thought of leaving England. London really never treated the industrial North with any empathy, just some where for the dirty industry to reside. One last thing, and it has to enter the equation, Lebanon was once a thriving economic center. Could this be in the cards for London; especially, if Scotland becomes a tax friendly place where Londoners do not have to take their money offshore? A YES vote today will be more than Scots getting their self rule after 300 years, it could be the beginning of Londons total demise. David Cameron will make history as the man who presided over and created the situation where this once great nation, The United Kingdom, will take its place among the footnotes. A NO vote should be an awakening, but, since no one tells a Scot what to do, Scotland will always be independent. A YES vote will ensure that the Scots will no longer be the military fodder for the English when they get into foolish wars. I kind of like that, but, who am I, an old fool with ADHD who is attempting to understand what our leaders cannot. Wired different, we always play outside the box. 10 Movements to Secede from the United States This week, the United States celebrates its independence from Great Britain. But throughout the nations history there have been plenty of people who have sought their independence from the US, not in it. Some of these rebellions against the US have... io9|By Lauren Davis
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:44:09 +0000

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