Chibis Story and Puppy Mills: Chibi- chan was rescued from Ozato - TopicsExpress


Chibis Story and Puppy Mills: Chibi- chan was rescued from Ozato 11-13-14 after having been there for over 10 days. She was not claimed by her owner, no one came too look at her and no one wanted to adopted her. Chibi is a purebred Pug so Doggies Inc sent out emails to pug rescues in the states and fortunately heard back from Pug Rescue of North Carolina. They said that they would take her, no questions asked, no vetting necessary, we just had to get her to them. Why did no one want Chibi? Well, obviously because she was old and not cute anymore, she was past her prime. The first day that I saw her at Ozato I knew immediately that Chibi was a product of a puppy mill, she had been used to produce endless litters of puppies. She was pulled from Ozato and taken straight to a local vet. The vets took one look at Chibi and all agreed that she was a breeder and that had contributed to the state that she was in. Chibi was estimated to be between 6-10 years old, her age could not be narrowed down any more because of the neglect she had endured for countless years. She was severely dehydrated, malnourished, thin, she suffers from severe dry eyes, she had a yeast infection of both ears and in the folds of her face, she also has luxating patella of both back legs, what teeth she has left were covered in tarter. Treatment was given for the yeast infections and eye drops for the eyes, she was placed on a high calorie diet. The vets looked at her legs and body, is was blatantly apparent that Chibi had lived her entire life confined, causing her to have no muscle mass in her back legs causing her luxating patella issue to be amplified, she needed food and exercise. I brought her home, she got a bath immediately and was fed. She was terrified, she paced for days unsure of what to do with all of the space she had to move freely in, she cowered whenever approached. Her legs were so weak that you could see her knees pop and bow with every step. It didnt take long and Chibi settled, she longed for constant love and affection, her resiliency is awe inspiring. Within a week there was a visible difference in Chibis ability to walk and stand, her coat was coming back in and the yeast had cleared. Doggies Inc received a very generous donation towards Chibi and so Chibi went in to get spayed and have some mammary tumors removed. During her surgery the vet discovered that Chibis entire left mammary gland was riddled with tumors and so it was removed, Chibi no longer has any nipples on her left side just a scar from her collar bone to her back leg. While removing her uterus the vet also discovered numerous tumors that were also removed. He also noted that Chibi had undergone countless C-Sections throughout her life (a sure sign that she was a breeder). Chibi recovered quickly from her surgery and it seems at though that surgery has add years to her life, she now has pep in her step and a new level of spunk and love for life. Chibi left Okinawa yesterday and is now in Tokyo, tomorrow she will fly to Washington Dulles where she will be picked up by Jessica C, one of our coordinators who is stateside visiting family for the holidays, and Jessica will transort Chibi to her new foster home with Pug Rescue of North Carolina. She will start fresh and be given the opportunity to have a family of her own! With all this being said I struggle here in Okinawa with those who support puppy mills. I am sure this is confusing to many of you reading it, wondering who in their right mind would support a puppy mill? Well thats an easy question for me to answer, EVERYONE who purchases a puppy from a pet store is supporting puppy mills. It is really very simple, puppy mills exist because there is a demand for purebred or designer puppies. If there was no demand then the suppliers would go out of business. They do not breed these dogs because they love them and want to see them go to loving forever homes, they are looking to make a buck and fast, because of this dogs are kept in a state of pure abuse and neglect. The owner of the mill will be as cheap as possible with the dogs at the mill to ensure as much profit as possible. Then the puppies are taken from their mothers much earlier than they should be so that they will look tiny and cute in that glass box at they pet store and pull at shoppers heart strings making them have to buy the puppy! What bothers me most about this is when I see people say I rescued my puppy from the pet store or those puppies deserve a home too. You did not rescue a puppy from a pet store, you supported a puppy mill, you are causing this problem to continue! The question I keep asking myself is, why do those people (those people who justify buying from a pet store because they are rescuing the puppy), why is it not ok for that puppy to sit in that glass box for 6 months until it is no longer desirable and then put out on the street where it will either be picked up or sent to animal control, BUT, it is ok for a dog like Chibi to be used for YEARS to breed countless puppies in a state of filth and neglect and then when she can longer produce be put on the street and end up at animal control? In reality it is MUCH more likely that the puppy will be picked up by a family on the street and if not it is much more likely that the puppy will be rescued from an animal control center than a 6-10 year old dog with countless medical issues brought on by abuse and neglect. For those of you that feel you HAVE to have a puppy right now, I hope you can sleep at night knowing what it is that you are contributing to, you need to know that your need for instant gratification is causing dogs to live in filth and abuse and neglect, YOU are the reason dogs are suffering! I have to agree, ALL dogs deserve a loving home, but not at the expense of hundreds of other dogs suffering. How do we end puppy mills, we stop creating a demand! We stop purchasing from pet stores and we wait for the pet store to dump the 8 month old puppy and then we truly rescue it! Terri
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:32:06 +0000

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