Chief Rabbi of South Africa calls for tolerance Amid too much - TopicsExpress


Chief Rabbi of South Africa calls for tolerance Amid too much hatred, a call to repentance The Chief Rabbi urges tolerance among South Africans in this open letter It would be a great tragedy if we allowed our South African dream of unity in diversity to be poisoned with the bitterness of the Gaza conflict, which we cannot hope to solve. The debates and protests about the war have often descended into outright hate speech and vitriolic racism, which threaten the most precious values of South Africa. With the right of free speech comes the responsibility to treat all fellow human beings with dignity. To vilify or denigrate anyone who dares to express an opposing view, is undemocratic and is to desecrate the sanctity of free speech. We need to find a way of unapologetically defending our own opinions, while at the same time not making sweeping statements about those who disagree with us. Street protests and social media comments are often filled with expressions of intolerance. In France and Germany protests have turned violent. Although we have thus far been spared this shame, we must be vigilant as verbal violence is in itself very destructive and it can easily also become physical. To allow angry divisiveness, blatant hatred and racism into our society would betray the legacy of Nelson Mandela who taught us through his words, and, more powerfully, his life, that we can create a South Africa of unity in spite of our differences. As he said: “Our nation comes from a history of deep division and strife; let us never through our deeds or words, take our people back down that road.” I would like to use this opportunity to call upon all fellow religious and political leaders, and indeed all citizens, to join hands in the spirit of unity and fellowship at a time which is so emotionally charged, to reaffirm our commitment to the South African dream of tolerance, respect and dignity. We need to export our dream, not import the nightmares of the Middle East. It is so important that we all work to join hands to lower the levels of animosity that surround this conflict. The Jewish and Muslim communities of South Africa have particularly strong views of how to interpret the conflict in the Middle East. Both need to respect the other and try to nurture an atmosphere of tolerance and human dignity. Only then can we engage productively. Over the years, the Jewish and Muslim communities have made enormous contributions to the betterment of South African society, and continue to do so. Neither needs at any stage feel alienated or marginalised because of their identity or their religious or political views. This does not mean that open debate must be stifled – only that it be conducted with respect for the legitimacy of others. Every South African has the constitutional right to express their opinion uncensored and openly. My own views on the conflict are well known, and I am proud of them. I strongly believe in the justice of the cause of the State of Israel, and that it has conducted itself justly in this conflict. These are my views. Many may disagree – but let us discuss and debate in a rational and dignified manner without importing the awful bitterness in the Middle East here. Let’s show the world what the rainbow nation is capable of as we reach out to one another in a spirit of respect and dignity – despite our differences. Let’s banish the bullying, and the intimidation, vilification and divisiveness. Let’s work together to address serious challenges that we face. As we are celebrating 20 years of freedom and democracy, now more than ever, we need to come together to address our own enormous problems of unemployment and inequality; to secure the basic aspirations of all South Africans. “I have set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13). The rainbow was designated by G-d as a symbol of hope for the world after the enormous destruction of the flood, and so too our very own “rainbow nation” has emerged from the crucible of brutal apartheid as a symbol of hope for the world. It reflects the strength, vitality and beauty of our diversity as human beings and the Divine potential within all of us. Let’s show the world how people of diverse colours, cultures and creeds can live together in harmony and respect. Let’s learn to see the light of G-d’s presence on the face of every one of our fellow South Africans.South Africa represents the hope of humankind which has the power to uplift humanity and liberate it from the shackles of hatred and bigotry. This is the South African dream – let’s make it a reality. (Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein )
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:35:33 +0000

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