Child , who stunned the world Story .. impressed by the - TopicsExpress


Child , who stunned the world Story .. impressed by the imagination ..! ! American Muslim child he studied Islam in the sixth and goodwill in the eighth ..! ! Says the Prophet peace be upon him : , It is the parents or a Christian or Ehudana Imjdzisanh ... This short story is nothing but the application of the modern Prophet Born Alexander Fritz Christian parents in 1990 .. and decided his mother from the beginning that leave to choose his religion himself .. I brought him religious books in various religions .. After reading closer .. announced his conversion to Islam at the age of 8 years .. and even learn all about Islam .. Remember prayer .. Quran .. Phone .. and a lot of legal provisions to meet a Muslim without one .. ! ! Named himself ( Muhammad Abdullah ) after the name of the Prophet , who has long loved ..! ! Hosted by one of the Islamic channels and was accompanied by his mother .. presenter was preparing to take questions on the micro .. but he was surprised by is the one who asks .. How do I perform Hajj and Umrah ..? ? .. Is the journey is expensive .. Where bought the ritual clothing ? ? Little was famous in his school ... when the time comes to prayer .. standing alone is authorized then assesses prayer alone ..! ! Broadcaster asked .. Do you come across problems or harassment in this? .. He replied with a sigh : miss some prayers sometimes because I do not know the times ..! ! Asked : What attracted you to Islam ? .. Replied : Whenever I read the more I loved him more .. Asked : What are your wishes ? ? .. Replied in a small hankering : Omnatan have ... to become the first photographer to convey the right image about Muslims .. hurts so much dirty American movies that distort the image of Habibi Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) The second wish to go to Mecca and accept the Black Stone Here Christian mother intervened , saying his room in our house filled with images of Muslims Kaaba .. and I have spare weekly pocket money of $ 300 for the visit .. People think that what he is doing is a kind of adventure .. But Mohammed has real faith is not felt by others ..! ! Asked : Is the silence of Ramadan ? ? .. Replied : Yes .. silence last year .. and my father challenged me and I can not .. but he was stunned when I did it .. ! ! Asked : What are your hopes other ? .. Replied : I wish to return Palestine to the Muslims , this land has been raped by the Israelis them ..! ! Asked : Do you eat with your parents pork ? .. Replied : pig very dirty .. I do not eat and do not know how people eat ..! ! Asked : Do you pray in school? ... Answered : Yes, it has discovered a secret place in the library where I pray every day . Its time for Maghrib , he looked to the broadcaster , saying : Do you allow me adhan ? , And then the ear at a time where my eyes welled with tears Broadcaster ! I wonder .. Do we know our children to be interested in Islam also cares about this child ? ?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:19:44 +0000

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