Children are like sponges and sadly they absorb things we dont - TopicsExpress


Children are like sponges and sadly they absorb things we dont want them to, so we, as parents need to make sure to instill good values in them and then walk the walk. Practice what you preach. Now, no one is perfect, but we all can do our best in raising our children to be respectful of others, considerate and compassionate. I know speaking for myself, that when my children leave the nest, I want to feel that I have done all I could to ensure that they have confidence in themselves and know the unconditional love I have for each and every one of them. I want to feel secure in the fact that they will enter this crazy world of ours with all the skills to be able to handle any given situation handed to them. In our case, they have had to deal with divorce and some situations at a young age, so they had to grow up quite fast. The best advice I can give young parents would be worry less about buying your children all the fancy toys. Later in life they wont remember the fancy toys you bought them. What they will remember is time spent with you. Material things are just that, but spending quality time with your children is something you will cherish as you make memories to last a lifetime. When my older son and I went on our little trip to Lake Placid this past summer before he went off to college, we talked about so many things and one thing that came up were memories he had. None of those memories revolved around a toy we bought him. A song came on the radio and that brought back a childhood memory of his. It can be that simple. Keep it simple.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:08:08 +0000

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