Children of the Nations: a Christian Charity with Worthy - TopicsExpress


Children of the Nations: a Christian Charity with Worthy Cause Children of the Nations (COTN) is a Christian nonprofit organization that exists to provide care for orphaned and destitute children in poverty-stricken areas of the world. Operating in Malawi, Sierra Leone, the Dominican Republic, Uganda, and Haiti, COTN helps nearly 7,000 children on a daily basis. COTNs stated goal is to Raise children who transform nations. COTNs main area of focus is providing care for the most desperate children in each of the geographic areas where the organization serves. They do this through a two-pronged approach, by providing full-time care for orphaned children and by partnering with communities to care for orphaned and destitute children living with caregivers who are unable to provide for them. All children enrolled in COTNs programs receive food, education, medical care, and mentoring. Main Goal COTNs main goal is to raise these children to become future leaders of their communities. This is accomplished through child sponsorship as well as the donation of funds, resources, and volunteer work related to the construction of childrens homes, schools, medical clinics, vocational skills centers, farms, and feeding centers. This assistance is intended to lead to self-sustainability, not dependence. The organization also puts a large emphasis on short-term mission trips and internships in the countries where it serves. Feeding Programs: Component of Holistic Care Many children in the developing world must decide between eating and getting an education. Most families depend on their children to help farm, find, or sell food. Often, if children are not able to sufficiently work for their food, they do not receive any. Through Children of the Nations Feeding Centers (a part of its Village Partnership Program) Children of the Nations is partnering with families to break the cycle of poverty and promote health and education by providing children enrolled in our schools with one or two nutritious meals per day. For some children, the meals they get through our feeding centers are the only meals they will get all day, so nutrition is key. Malnourishment in developing nations is high, and the physical effects are obvious. But lack of nutrition also severely affects mental development and long-term learning ability. Malnutrition is known to stunt IQ up to 40 percent. It also affects attention span, concentration, and even vision. Children who have not eaten and have rumbling bellies are most likely preoccupied with hunger, which prevents them from doing their best in school. How YOU Can Help the Children: Support from Partners like you supply the feeding centers by helping to purchase local foods in-country and by packaging meals at our meal packaging events. These ready-to-cook meals are high in nutrients and have a shelf life of seven years. Once in-country, cooks in our feeding centers customize these basic meals with traditional flavors and spices, supplementing with meat when available. Through the feeding centers, the children under the feeding programs have the nutrients needed for healthy mental and physical development. Feeding thousands of children daily is no small task! And it is only made possible through the efforts of partners and volunteers like you. Through small meal packaging events and large Meal Marathons, church, organization, or school can provide food for needy children in Africa and the Caribbean throughout the year. The meals packaged are shipped overseas, and local cooks customize them with traditional flavors and spices, supplemented with meat when available. Funds needed are just 25 cents per meal. For more information how to get involved, visit: http// Ratings Children of the Nations currently holds a four-star rating (the highest possible rating) from Charity Navigator,and is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Friendship Church of Sun City in Palm Desert Help Pack100,000 Meals for Children of the Nations The Friendship Church of Sun City, Palm Desert, California gave a helping hand in packing 100,000 meals for Children of the Nations December 3, 2014. Led by Pastors Denny Davis and H.B. London, Friendship Church volunteers joined hands with the Family Heritage Church in packing the meals that will be shipped to Dominican Republic to benefit thousands of hungry children.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:20:55 +0000

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