Children whose families struggle with the cost of living crisis - TopicsExpress


Children whose families struggle with the cost of living crisis feel the shame and embarrassment of poverty as acutely as their parents, new research finds. Unsurprisingly, it doesnt make the parents feel good: I am not going to lie to you, it made me depressed [...] It got, it just, it upset me that I felt like I was letting my children down. I felt like I was an embarrassment to them. The children feel it too: they told researchers they felt embarrassment because they could not have the same things their peers had; 19% reported they had been bullied because they lacked those material extras; indignity and humiliation for them was a constant, but not just because an expensive pair of trainers or trendy designer top was no longer a possibility: I hate [school]. Because my mum and dad cant afford the trousers so I have to wear trackies. School, the research found, is a particularly fraught experience for children in families with problem debt. They were more likely to be unhappy with school in general. At Kids Inspire we offer support to Children and their Families in distress everyday. • Findings are based on a representative survey of 2,000 UK families commissioned by The Childrens Society
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 16:16:09 +0000

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