Childrens Parables: A Story of Kindness There is a song sung by - TopicsExpress


Childrens Parables: A Story of Kindness There is a song sung by the children of my country which goes: Love, Joy, Peace, and Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness, and Self-control, These are the Fruits of the Spirit, These are the Fruits of the Spirit. This song is based upon the scripture in Galatians 5:22,23; But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law. Todays story is about gentleness, or kindness. A long time ago when animals could talk, there lived a kind little bat named Gob. He lived all alone in a cave far up in the mountains. Gob was very lonely, so one day he decided to go explore the world in hopes of finding some other friendly creatures. Not very far off, there lived two of the most unfriendly creatures around. A tiny mouse named Tulip and a mole, whose name was Mort. Tulip was a very haughty mouse, who had no time for anyone but herself. She spent all her days in her prize garden. She loved to boast to everyone that her garden was better than any of theirs. Mort was very grumpy and rude. He was always blaming everybody and complaining about everything. If anyone waved or tried to be nice, he would scare them off with his terrifying squeaks. These to sorry creatures were neighbors and they hated each other! Mr. Mort would constantly complain about Ms. Tulips garden, and she, about his digging. Once, after Tulip had spent all day planting a very special flower, Mort went and dug a new tunnel right underneath her garden, uprooting her flower! In the morning Tulip discovered her poor plant dead, and marching over to Morts house, she threw the wilted plant at his feet. Top O the mornin to ya! Mr. Mole says almost cheerfully. Dont you dare give me that you blind bulldozer! Ms. Mouse squeaks in a rage. I know it was you who dug up my precious flower, eating its roots! I beg your pardon madam, but I would never so such o thing! Perhaps it was not satisfied with yer garden and merely uprooted itself, but being so overcome with its fastness, it simply died! Mort said in mocked seriousness. At this, Tulip turned red with fury and promptly yanked off Moles protective sun glasses. Oh me eyes! he screeched as he covered them with his big paws. Look at the dirt on your paws, you over-grown dirt digger! I knew that was you scuffling about under ground as I slept! Now look here! Mort snorted. I have a right to dig on me own property! Be that as it may, could you not see the roots of my plants? Did it ever cross your mind you may have strayed off course? Ms. Mouse glared. Oh snaps! Was that what those were mdear? Im so blind I thought they were cobwebs. Mr. Mole asked innocently as he blindly fished around for his glasses. Tulip stomped on his paw and Mort let out a howl. Dont you lie to me, you ugly worm-nose! You are not as blind as you protest and everyone knows moles do not ever stray off course! You purposely dug beneath my garden! You may own the ground above but not the underground! That there is my property, and Ill diggs where I please! Morts voice rising in anger, his look defiant. Ms. Mouse promptly poked him in his tiny eye.You better find me another plant or Ill fill your hole with so many flowers, youll not be able to breathe! I can barely breathe as it is with yer sweet smelling weeds, ye owl pellet! Mr. Mole squeaked with rage and pain. Tulip was already on her door step by the time he said this, but she heard it none the less. She spun around to see Mr. Mort grinning evilly. I knew it! You did dig up my plant! she squealed. Before she could attack him again, Mort ran into his hole. As I have said before, this place was not very far from where Gob lived, so he heard and saw the whole thing as he flew by. If it had been you or I, we might have decided to pass by and find a more pleasant set of people, but Gob was neither of us. He believed all creatures should treat and be treated with kindness, so he was very surprised at the scene below. He always thought everyone was naturally inclined to be kind, so seeing these two neighbors treating each other this way, he decided this would be the perfect place. Gobs motto was, If you see a problem, you fix it. So he decided to settle down in a tree for the night and introduce himself in the morning. The next morning, Gob was awaken by the most awful noises coming from below. Flying down from his perch he saw what looked like fast growing hills coming up all over Ms. Tulips garden. Plants lay uprooted everywhere and the once pretty garden was now ugly with death. Gob then heard a crazy laughing squeal from Tulip as she ran back and forth between hers and Moles house. She was filling her little wheel barrow with the sweet dead flowers and then dumping them into Mr. Moles house. Mort popping out of one of the many holes in Ms. Mouses garden, saw what she was doing and with an angry squeak began digging even more holes. By now the entire forest of woodland creatures stood gaping, yet not one of them cared to stop the madness going on. This might have have continued forever, if Gob had not decided to interfere. Stop this at once! Gob screeched as he swooped down. The two neighbors stopped and everyone stared. Look at this mess youve made! Why must you fight? Whatever happened to kindness, or even on of the other many fruits of the Spirit? the bat scolded. This dirt ball has dug up my garden because he cannot bear anything beautiful! Ms. Mouse shouted in accusation. She has never given a care to my complaints! Why she has even filled me hole with her poisonous plants! Mr. Mole thundered. And off the two went, throwing at one another more insults and accusations. QUIET! Stop this nonsense! Can you not see that in your unkind selfishness you have destroyed each others homes, upset the entire wood, and all while embarrassing yourselves? Just look at what you have become! Gob shouted. And you! he said, turning to the other creatures. How could you have allowed this to happen? You are all as much to blame. You were unkind by not showing these two the error of their ways. Everyones heads were now hanging with shame. Tulip and Mort looked at each other with apologetic eyes. Gob saw they were all sorry and gave an approving smile. It is not too late to fix this. he assured them. Merely apologize and behave with more civility. No longer allow yourselves to be led by the flesh, but walk in the Spirit. Mort and Tulip shook paws and apologized. The entire forest cheered and Gob satisfied took his leave. Now if you visit the forest, you will find Mr. Mole and Ms. Mouse both working in her much smaller garden and at night, he cooks a delicious meal as they go over his building plans. All the other woodland creatures may walk by without hearing Tulip boast of her garden, or hear Mort squeak in anger as they wave and cheerfully call out a hello. So my dear readers, what is kindness? Why do you think Jesus added kindness to the list of the Fruits of the Spirit? apieceofmyirishmind.blogspot/2014/06/a-story-of-kindness.html
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:54:01 +0000

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