Chile may seem far removed from New York City, but the biggest - TopicsExpress


Chile may seem far removed from New York City, but the biggest (but least covered) news this week was the election of Michelle Bachelet to the presidency of Chile – one of the most prosperous yet most unequal of all advanced nations, not counting the United States – on a platform remarkably close to that of New York’s Bill de Blasio: increasing corporate taxes, using the money to improve education for the bottom two-thirds, and getting big money out of politics. If you add in a living wage, and a resurrected Glass-Steagall Act to stop big banks from gambling with our money, youve got the start of a simple, easily-understood, and hugely popular agenda that the next candidate for president of the United States would do well to adopt.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 16:01:44 +0000

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