Chilling to think about what one would do faced with such a - TopicsExpress


Chilling to think about what one would do faced with such a situation. Of course in the moment of horror.... all you have is what you have at that very instant. Its like the hypothetical: Someone has taken you hostage and they want to move you and others to a back room. Logically; its obvious that such a movement represents a strong increase in the odds that the attackers have decided to kill you... and thus fighting back, even if futile, becomes more and more reasonable. (To compare, opening the door might buy you some time, but its not like these attackers had good intentions once they gained entry. Especially given the location had been under previous attack...) But in that moment... under that stress and with those emotions... theres not time to logic it through. Especially when most havent even considered the situation, let alone have any idea what theyd do in the actual situation. (And oh look, Howard Dean wont even wait until we know for sure whether or not the killers are still at large before talking about the need for Gun Control in the US. Its funny how theres a constant refrain after attacks like this to be careful about reprisals and restricting the rights of Muslims. And its true that it is ghoulish to use the crimes of others to justify passing laws that restrict peoples freedom. But do note that its Howard Dean who wants to disarm American Muslims (and non Muslims) due to a reprehensible crime in France. But of course that shows the preening arrogance of Dean et al. The ironic provincialism of thought and inability to even comprehend that other people might have different motivations, goals, and worldviews.)
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:12:27 +0000

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