China -Africa together towards Cooperation and Solidarity - TopicsExpress


China -Africa together towards Cooperation and Solidarity Report/ by Ahmed Hassan Omer Khartoum , Nov. 3 ,2014 (SUNA)-The Chinese -African Cooperation Forum which established in 2000 in Beijing became an effective organ for the collective multiparty cooperation between China and Africa and it represents framework and important forum foe equal and stable partnership based on mutual interest on the long run . China is giving due concern to the positive role played by the forum with regard to boosting political dialogue as well as realistic cooperation between China and Africa . China will seriously implement the statement for the Chinese African cooperation forum , Beijing , cooperation of China and Africa in socio-economic of China and Africa development and Addis Ababa work plan Chinese -African cooperation as well as all the related measures . China will also present new measures in the context of the forum to support the mutual political trust and the comprehensive realistic cooperation to complete the body of form and to find out the best means boosting cooperation between the forum and the plan of the new partnership for Africa development . The first few years of the new century witness a contribution of the complex and profound changes in the international situation and further advance of globalization . Peace and development and enhancing the historic cooperation between two sides remain the main themes of chinas government times -safe guarding peace , promoting development and enhancing cooperation process in order to create a solid relationship for fruitful future , which is the common desire of all peoples , represents the irresistible historical trend . On the other hand , destabilizing factors and uncertainties in the international situation are on the rise . Seriously issues of various kinds are interwoven . Peace remains evasive and development more pressing . China , the largest developing country in the world , follows the path of peaceful development and pursues an independent foreign policy of peace . China stands ready to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence as so to contribute to peace , stability and common prosperity around the world . The African continent which encompasses the largest number of developing countries , is an important force for world peace and development . China -Africa traditional friendly relations face fresh opportunities under the new circumstances . By this African policy paper , the Chinese government wishes to present to the world the objectives of Chinas policy towards Africa and the measures to a achieve them , and its proposals for cooperation in various fields in the coming years , with a view to promoting the steady growth of China- Africa relations to a new upcoming stage . Africa has a long history , vast expanse of land , rich mutual resources and huge potential for development . After long years of struggle , the African people freed themselves from colonial rule , wiped out apartheid , won independence and emancipation , thus making significant to the progress of civilization . Following their independence , countries in Africa have been conscientiously exploring a road to development suited to their national conditions and seeking peace , stability and development by joint efforts . Thanks to concerted efforts of African countries and the organization of African Unity ( OAU) , the African Union (AU) , the political situation in Africa has been stable on the whole , regional conflicts are being gradually resolved and economy has been growing for years . African countries have actively participated in South –South Cooperation and worked for North – South dialogue . They are playing an increasing important role in international affairs Africa still faces many challenges on its road of development . However , with the persistent efforts of African countries and the continuous support of the international community , Africa will surely surmount difficulties and achieve rejuvenation in the new century . China –Africa friendship is embedded in the long history of interchange -sharing similar historical experience , China and Africa have all long sympathized with and supported each other in struggle for national liberation and forged a profound friendship . The profound of the Peoples Republic of China and independence of African countries ushered in a new era in China –Africa relations . For over half a century , the two sides have enjoyed close political ties and frequent exchange of high level visits and people to people contacts . Chinas bilateral trade and economic cooperation have grown rapidly , cooperation in other fields has yielded good results , and consultation and coordination in international affairs have been intensified . China has provided assistance to the best of its ability to African countries , while African countries have also rendered strong support to China on many occasions , equality and mutual benefit , solidarity and common development these are the principles guiding Africa-China and cooperation and the driving force to lasting China -Africa relations . Enhancing solidarity and cooperation with African countries has always been an important component of Chinas independent foreign policy of peace . China will unswervingly carry forward the tradition of China –Africa friendship , and proceeding from the fundamental interests of both the Chinese and African peoples , establish and develop a new type of strategic partnership with Africa , featuring political equality and mutual trust , economic win- win cooperation and cultural exchange .
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:30:36 +0000

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