Chinese -Arab Forum Aroma Mitigates Cordiality Report/ by - TopicsExpress


Chinese -Arab Forum Aroma Mitigates Cordiality Report/ by Ahmed Hassan Omer Khartoum , Dec . 28 , 2014 , (SUNA)- China knew the Arab world in an early time , and there was continuing communication with the Arab countries before Islam appearance whereas the trade factor was the sole way which contributed in Chinese -Arab communication process , the Silk Road had played a great role and important in promoting and refreshing trade between China and Arab states , we can say that the relationship between China and Arab world is a historic relationship and old based on exchange respect , it can described as deep-rooted , the trade factor was the linking and common denominator between Chinese old empires and Arab states and we find that the distance between China and Arab world so near that encouraged the two parties to exchange goods . Where Islam was appearing and spreading all over the world , the relations refreshed more and the number of exchanging visits between the two sides was increasing especially the trade travels which participated in refreshing of economic exchange , now strong relationship has linked China with the Arab region base on mutual benefits and interests , and Arab states are considered a huge market and spread for Chinese products whereas an essence for these strong relations , and Chinas state considered intimate friend for Arab and contributed more in assisting Arab states in political and economic field in order to achieving the welfare of the Arab region and restoring its stability and security , China has a clear imprints in its political stances towards Palestinian issue which considered complicated political issue , whereas China has supported this problem by establishing Palestine state and its capital Jerusalem . China became strategic partner for Arab world in political , economic and cultural field , because this factors played a pioneer role in strengthening both sides bilateral ties especially the cultural domain whereas we find that there is a great concern by the Arabic language in Chinese Academic institutions whereas Chinese students involved in learning Arabic language , this no doubt will play an important role in developing ties between China and Arab states . And also we find that Arab states concerned with learning Chinese language through Confucius institutes which spread in the most Arab states this considered connecting link and realizing the confidence factor between Arab nation and Chinese people who was known by forgiveness , amicability and idealism . Chinese -Arab Friendship conference held in Khartoum in November 2006 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Chinese -Arab relations because they can be seen as a model for international relations that based on principles of sovereignty . The historical conference was convened to express the two sides satisfaction over what had been achieved in the fields of exchanging of support in issues of common interest , strengthening of economic , cultural and scientific relations as well as desire for supporting the recommendations of forum of the Chinese –Arab cooperation which held in 2004 . The holding of the conference in Khartoum affairs the role played by peoples diplomacy in consolidating friendship among people with the aim of promoting the Chinese –Arab relations of the level of strategic partnership on the basis of respect and mutual interest to create new world of cooperation , peace and joint interests . The conference also called for necessity of exchanging visits and holding of symposium , which play positive role toward strengthening the Chinese -Arab relations in all domains .The representative of the Arab league secretary general said the conference will add basic factors to the Chinese - Arab relations . Former Chairman of the council of international peoples friendship council Ez-Edeen Al-sayed reviewed the developed relations linking the Arab countries and China since Bandung Conference which witnessed the establishment of the non-Aligned movement , indicating that the Chinese prime minister was the first Chinese official to visit Sudan after the independence . The conference was sponsored by former vice president Ali Osman Mohammed Taha addressed the opening session , reaffirming that China established its relations with other countries on basis of respect and non-interference in other countries internal affairs . The chairman of the Chinese – Arab friendship association described the Chinese –Arab peoples relations as very important affirming his countrys keenness to share the Arab friends the efforts being exerted to boost cooperation and joint development . The historical political incidents represented the sixth ministerial conference of the China –Arab states cooperation forum held in Beijing with a 10 -years development plan adopted . The Beijing Declaration , on action plan for to 2014 to 2016 and a development plan for 2014 to 2024 was passed at the meeting , according to après release from the foreign ministry , without disclosing their contents . Chinese president Xi Jin pings address to the opening ceremony pointed out priority areas for China- Arab states cooperation in the coming 10 years , which is a guide of action for the future development of the bilateral relations , said foreign minister Wang Yi at the concluding historic ceremony . Wang added that China was ready to work with Arab countries to implement the consensus reached in the meeting and benefit peoples from the two sides . Representatives from Arab states spoke highly of the achievements scored by the CASCF since its establishment 10 years ago , and voiced their support for president Xis initiative of jointly building the One Belt and One Road . The One Belt and One Road refer to the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st century Maritimes Silk Road , concepts put forward by Xi during his visit to central Asia and South east Asia respectively in 2013 to promote over all cooperation among countries all along . Chinese president Xi Jin Ping called on China and Arab states to encourage mutual learning among civilizations , saying China opposes discrimination or prejudice against any nation or religion . No one civilization can claim to be superior to others , Xi said at the opening ceremony of sixth ministerial conference of the China-Arab states cooperation forum in Beijing . All human civilizations are equal , and their interaction makes them more colorful , he said. Five colors , when shining upon each other , will add beauty to each other , eight musical instruments , when played together , well make a harmonious melody , Xi said , quoting an old Chinese saying China and Arab states have always treated each other with an open mind and inclusiveness , and engaged in dialogue and communication rather than conflict or confrontation , the Chinese president said . Chinese - Arab Forum which held in Beijing last June has set a fine example of harmonious coexistence among countries with different social systems , beliefs and cultural traditions , Chinese government will continue to unswervingly support Arab states in upholding their national and cultural traditions , and oppose any discrimination or prejudice against a particular nation or religion . In a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the sixth ministerial conference of the China -Arab states cooperation forum in Beijing Ghanim al- Shibli , HEAD OF Arab league mission in China , said Xis proposal on the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st century Maritime Silk Road , or One Belt and One Road for short , had laid a solid foundation for deepening China -Arab friendly cooperation and would serve as a new starting point for the forum since its establishment a decade ago . The Arab league (AL) would make more efforts with china to push forward the construction of the One Belt and One Road Ghanim added .
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:52:53 +0000

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