Chinese Astrology from my teacher Ming Liu Thank you ! Om Fri Aug - TopicsExpress


Chinese Astrology from my teacher Ming Liu Thank you ! Om Fri Aug 16 – 7th moon/10th day Today is Guru Puja Day (Padmasambhava as Guru Khading Tsal). The day commemorates Padmasambhava’s defeat/conversion of some Pandit-sorcerers. The jie qi indicators are cautionary; especially for those that have not been feeling the splendor of the last few days. Stuff like denial, pretense and outright lying bring on heavy retribution today. When in doubt, stand still is best. Avoid confrontation, consider a chastity belt and confess (if not in court at least to your face in the mirror). It is auspicious to surrender, retreat, rest, be alone and practice meditation. Masks will spontaneously combust. If you have not stepped away from bad influences they will clamp you in irons. Sincere remorse for your misconduct protects you; fake remorse will put you through the meat grinder. Never mind doing the hopeless dance – we are talking cycles not Ultimate Judgment – in Chinese cosmology nothing is ultimate. Gallbladder channel is open all day and GB 41 is open most of the day. Be home by 8pm. Sat Aug 17 – 7/11 Sometimes giving in and/or letting go is the way to succeed – like dropping the reins and watching the horse go back to the stables. It is a combination of relinquishing control and inner confidence. Press the clutch and roll. The day has a universal Sabbath quality. Retreat will have splendid inner results. It is a very auspicious day for naga puja. Get a foot massage. Sun Aug 18 – 7/12 Today offers a great opportunity to evaluate your Path. Reflect on, study and/or ask a trusted mentor’s advice about your discipline, conduct, meditation and work-in-the-world – think autumn resolution (as if it were New Year). As annual yin grows there is a chance to clearly sort through what should be harvested from annual yang – and what should be composted. Spend some time alone, make inner plans, lists – any consideration done today can inspire deep recalibration of your qi in the coming months. Good day to treat frozen shoulders. Mon Aug 19 – 7/13 Today is splendid for thanking your ancestors and/or teacher (near or far) with a true heart. All the inward directed qi of the last few days turns toward action now but don’t push; trust. Effort screws things up today. It is auspicious to make important purchases, garden and act on plans. It is inauspicious to start a journey, be in the wilderness and start anything new. Impulses are strong – it’s up to you in a Snake year (and day). Not the best day for acupuncture but results may come from Lung 7. Good day for talk therapy.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:09:54 +0000

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