Chinese Herbal Remedies For Diabetes: BeenThere. DoneThat. By - TopicsExpress


Chinese Herbal Remedies For Diabetes: BeenThere. DoneThat. By Steven Blackstone, AOBTA certified practitioner December 22nd, 2014 My Health Topics There is a remedy for diabetes. It’s not a recent scientific breakthrough. Remedies for diabetes were discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago during a time when diabetes was not called “diabetes” and one of the common tests for the illness involved peeing on a rock (to see if ants came to feed on the sugar content). So, why don’t people take advantage of these age old remedies? 1.) People just don’t know. Most people are settled into a busy daily routine… and, that routine doesn’t include health research. 2.) People just don’t know. Information about natural remedies is being obscured. Advertisements for pharmaceuticals overwhelmingly permeate magazines and television with products that are promoted in such a way as to seem like the only option. 3.) People just don’t know. People don’t want to seem foolish. After having followed doctors’ orders for years with little or no improvement people are skeptical about remedies that are insanely simple. 4.) People just don’t know. People are afraid. Media “scare tactics” have been used for years to turn people away from natural remedies often citing general safety issues. It’s tough to get people to change. Despite the fact that Chinese herbal medicine is not “new” it is still outside the comfort zone of most people. For many It is also outside the ”need to know”. Even people who claim to recognize the distinction between what’s good or what’s bad for their bodies continue to make the same dismal health care choices because they are not presented with viable options; options that appeal to one’s natural sensibilities and… fit into a tight budget. So, here’s the golden egg… laid right at your feet; some legitimate options for managing the symptoms of diabetes with Chinese herbal formulas that were discovered a long, long time ago. The “root cause” of diabetes is due to a deficiency of Kidney and Spleen. The correlation between any given symptom and internal organs is clearly explained in TCM literature. Symptoms manifest in accordance with a predictable pattern (Five Element Theory) that can be applied to all aspects of the human body. As such, nourishing Kidney and Spleen can have beneficial effects for the Lung and Liver. The symptoms of diabetes and their most direct relationship to internal organs: Diabetic Symptom Associated Organ Frequent urination Kidney Excessive thirst Kidney Numbness / tingling of hands and feet Kidney / Spleen Fatigue Kidney / Spleen Increased hunger Spleen Weight loss Spleen Lack of interest and concentration Spleen Blurred vision Spleen Slow healing wounds / easy bruising Spleen For diabetes I regularly recommend the combination of Active Herb products YinVive and SpleenVive. GlucoAssure and MetaboGuard are great adjunct formulas provided by Active Herb. YinVive (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan)- Historically used for Kidney health. When the Kidney is diminished functionally, other organs inevitably show signs of dysfunction. As such, it is vitally important to maintain Kidney health. This explains why many symptoms seemingly unrelated to the Kidney may be relieved by restoring the balance of Kidney Yin-Yang. SpleenVive (Gui Pi Wan)- Used to augment Spleen function. When the Spleen function is weak, digestion is poor, transformation of food into energy and transportation of blood and fluids is impaired. Nourishment to the muscles is impaired. The production of Blood is impaired. GlucoAssure (Jiang Tang Pian) is a Chinese herbal remedy that nourishes the Kidney Yin and Qi, generates bodily fluids, and helps maintain healthy glucose levels. MetaboGuard (Jiang Tang Jiang Zhi Chong Ji) is a Chinese herbal tea specifically formulated to help naturally maintain healthy glucose levels, cholesterol metabolism, and manage weight. A course of Chinese herbal therapy for diabetes may run up to 90 days or longer but the results are well worth the time and what little money it costs. Keep in mind that the organ systems discussed here are not the only organ systems that may be affected by the imbalances associated with diabetes. The most accurate recommendations for herbal therapy can be made after assessment by a qualified TCM practitioner and may include dietary modifications as appropriate. Under proper supervision Chinese herbals can safely be used in conjunction with Western medicines in cases where one or the other are not entirely effective.The herbal formulas listed here are not intended to replace doctor prescribed medications and this article does not provide specific medical advice. Please observe manufacturer’s precautions when taking herbal formulas. About The Author Steven Blackstone, AOBTA certified practitioner Steven Blackstone has been a practitioner of the healing arts since the mid-80’s. His expertise is in TCM and accomplishments include development of a comprehensive healing practice exercising all the key elements of Chinese Medicine… without the need for the use of acupuncture needles! Steven maintains a private practice in San Antonio, Texas. sacredhealingtree You May Also Like Why These Ancient Secrets Make Sense For Your Winter Health? Guang Ci Tang Admired by American Chinese Medicine Community My Eight Favorite Chinese Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu Season Bouncing: Doing What
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:02:11 +0000

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