**Chinese Version Follows English Version** Dear International - TopicsExpress


**Chinese Version Follows English Version** Dear International Students, Welcome to NTU! We are excited to know you are coming here in less than two weeks! To welcome all of you, we prepare many activities such as Campus Tour, Orientation and the one which we hope you can join us for fun, “2013 NTU International Student Welcome Party”! The Welcome Party will be held at Banyan Avenue(放置MAP link) between 5pm and 8:30pm on Sep 8 after the afternoon’s Orientation is finished. We welcome you and your NTU volunteer student to join the Welcome Party together. You may invite your NTU volunteer student to meet you at the Orientation site, Core Subject Classroom Building, as a chance to know each other and join this Party together for FUN! You will experience food and games in a night-market-style outdoor party! Stage performances and school club booths will be also available. Just welcome to join us! For the information please refer to 2013 NTU International Student Welcome Party. oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/public/share/files/Welcome%20Party%20DM-2-en-01.pdf 各位國際新生您好, 首先歡迎各位同學入學臺大!即將開學了,是否對新學期有所期待呢? 為迎接各位到來,國際事務處準備了一系列迎新活動,包含校園導覽、迎新說明會,還有一項絕不能錯過的活動 - 「2013 國際學生迎新派對」!本活動將在9月8日下午迎新說明會結束後於5pm在校總區垂葉榕道熱鬧登場! 我們誠摯歡迎您,一同邀請您的接待志工共襄盛舉!您可與您的接待志工在迎新說明會現場相見歡,彼此認識交流,並於說明會結束後一同步行前往會場。 迎新派對包含攤位遊戲、夜市美食及精彩可期的表演節目,歡迎您和接待志工一同來享受派對的歡樂氣氛! **Chinese Version Follows English Version** Dear International Students, Welcome to NTU! We are excited to know you are coming here in less than two weeks! To welcome all of you, we prepare many activities such as Campus Tour, Orientation and the one which we hope you can join us for fun, “2013 NTU International Student Welcome Party”! The Welcome Party will be held at Banyan Avenue(放置MAP link) between 5pm and 8:30pm on Sep 8 after the afternoon’s Orientation is finished. We welcome you and your NTU volunteer student to join the Welcome Party together. You may invite your NTU volunteer student to meet you at the Orientation site, Core Subject Classroom Building, as a chance to know each other and join this Party together for FUN! You will experience food and games in a night-market-style outdoor party! Stage performances and school club booths will be also available. Just welcome to join us! For the information please refer to 2013 NTU International Student Welcome Party. oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/public/share/files/Welcome%20Party%20DM-2-en-01.pdf 各位國際新生您好, 首先歡迎各位同學入學臺大!即將開學了,是否對新學期有所期待呢? 為迎接各位到來,國際事務處準備了一系列迎新活動,包含校園導覽、迎新說明會,還有一項絕不能錯過的活動 - 「2013 國際學生迎新派對」!本活動將在9月8日下午迎新說明會結束後於5pm在校總區垂葉榕道熱鬧登場! 我們誠摯歡迎您,一同邀請您的接待志工共襄盛舉!您可與您的接待志工在迎新說明會現場相見歡,彼此認識交流,並於說明會結束後一同步行前往會場。 迎新派對包含攤位遊戲、夜市美食及精彩可期的表演節目,歡迎您和接待志工一同來享受派對的歡樂氣氛! 詳情請參考2013國際學生迎新派對 oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/public/share/files/Welcome%20Party%20DM-2_w-01.pdf
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:14:10 +0000

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