Chinese reactor... Chinese have built their reactor and its - TopicsExpress


Chinese reactor... Chinese have built their reactor and its supporting system. We have spoken to the Chinese developer and he has given the Foundation the permission to release his video. Please follow the link and use the cod to see the video. We congratulate the Chinese team for their marvelous work. Here is the link to his video: 56/u93/v_OTI5MzkzNDY.html The access password is: 2013621 Video transcript to the video: 00:01 In the middle, there will be a small motor 00:18 These small holes are entry point for tubes and electrical wire. After assembly, the whole thing looks like this one. 00:20 The window at the top is the viewing window. 00:30 Next step, we open up all the valves. 00:56 This is helium. 01:00 This is a specially designed container for helium. This large cylinder is a liquid nitrogen container. I will put this special container inside this liquid nitrogen container. 01:10 This special container contains inside a radioactive element Americium-241. 01:27 Insert this container inside this liquid nitrogen container. 02:27 This is the central column power supply. Let’s connect it. 02:31 This is a fixed volume gas feeder. 02:40 Next we are going to wash the reactor with Argon. 03:08 I will fill the reactor with Argon to 2 atmosphere, then I will vacuum it out. 03:44 Wash twice. 04:00 Wash the reactor with Argon twice. 04:07 If I use diffusion pump or molecular pump, we can pump it directly to high vacuum. But this time we only use the normal air-con vacuum pump. 04:50 After vacuuming, we will put in Kr, Ar, Ne, He gases in sequential order, in the following ratio: (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) (氦,氖,氩,氪,氙) Kr: 20% Ar: 46% Ne: 16% He: 4% H: 13.4% 05:29 Now we start with Kr. 06:03 We follow the ordering sequence to fill the gases. 06:10 Lastly, we will reach 1 atmosphere after filling the gases. 06:28 The last gas to be filled is He, which is being cooled by liquid nitrogen to -196 degree C. Helium is filled with a special copper tube into the reactor. The exit hole for the He gas is very small, producing a fog inside the reactor chamber. 07:14 Inside our reactor’s central column, there is a small motor with magnets that will rotate. During the gas filling process, the speed of the motor inside is 500 to 1000 rpm. 07:40 After all the gases are filled inside, the pressure inside will be 1 atmosphere. (= 0.1 MPa) 08:15 Next we prepare all the different meters: magnetic field detector, electric field detector, radiation detector, temperature detector. 09:18 Next we put on our protective clothing. This wire goes to the central column motor. The speed is now 3000 to 4000 rpm. 09:40 Next we input the cold He (-196 degree), through this valve. 10:00 Now helium is already inside. 10:28 Nothing happening again this time. **** End of tape *** Note: This is a work in progress. So far, because the experiment was not done correctly, there is no activation yet. However, after Mr. Keshe pointed out the problem areas, changes will be made to the design and try again. Stay tuned. James p.s. I am not the experimenter. MT Keshe wrote: "The translation of this video has been asked for and once we receive it from the Keshe Foundation China we will post it on the forum. I thank our chines speaking team, whom have translated the most important points for us in above entries. TO start with: This is not a failed experiment. The beauty with this set-up is that no one before has used the irradiation and enforced cooling of gas prior of feed to system at the same time. This has created new aspects for design and can look promising for control once it is used in the right order. This is real new design and test condition according to the teams understanding of patent. We have already had a long talk with the developer through chines Keshe Foundation director and advised them about points which are not considered and crucial to test and which we think needs to be put right. Now they will redesign their systems and test it in a few weeks. The problem with this system is that it is missing some crucial parts, which they did not realize or they thought it can be done without during their work. They consulted with us over long Skype conference call, we told them what we think and what we consider that needs to be done and we gave our opinion as how and what needs to be adopted. This is what we are doing with all other teams around the world, we do not give design, but advice in what we see has been missed or what we see as point of correction. It is for them to rectify the problem their way. We did the same with polish, Italian and others developers. This is exactly what we have said before; each nation will make their own flavor of the system. This video shows that soon one nation is and will be going to be out to show their own design for power or lift system. We are talking to about 30 nations around the world, whom are now testing their systems, this be it governmental or private. In respect to the Foundation non-nuclear reactor, which we have developed, this system soon will be finished for its setting and testing will start. We will show the system throughout its testing phase and this will be posted on the forum under its own heading. We again congratulate all the individuals and groups whom are working to achieve their own systems. We support you and advise you and that is all. Those, whom want to ask about their reactors or design, please contact Mr. Carmond or lady dragon that you can participate in the monthly workshop. This month workshop session (the 4th workshop) will be held on 27.6.2013 at 6 am central European time on Skype as before. We will answer as much questions as possible in this 2-3 hours session."
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 19:44:10 +0000

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