Chipangano leader ,thug Jimmy Kunaka kidnapped ,physically - TopicsExpress


Chipangano leader ,thug Jimmy Kunaka kidnapped ,physically attacked for supporting Mujuru Wishing you a speedy death thug .ThIs is exactly what you did to MDC-T supporters .Tasting your own medicine. ---------------------------------- Former Zanu PF Harare youth chair, Jim Kunaka, currently at war on factional lines with his successor Godwin Gomwe, was Wednesday allegedly kidnapped and assaulted by unknown people. He is currently admitted at the Avenues Clinic. Kunaka who was linked to most violent attacks in the volatile residential area of Mbare, then through the infamous Chipangano, was allegedly kidnapped and assaulted before being dumped along Seke road in Chitungwiza. The combative youth leader, lost in the Zanu PF provincial elections last year to Gomwe told the media that he was approached by four men who indicated that they wanted to talk to him over an unknown issue. “I asked them what they wanted from me and they said nothing major, when we went away from the people, l heard one of them saying handcuff this boy and l screamed ‘why do you want to arrest me,” he said. “I asked them to produce their identity cards and they refused. I started wresting with them asking people to come and help me. The women who were nearby came and tried to free me. Amid the scuffle one of the men pulled out his gun and shot into the air six times but this did not stop me from trying to free myself,” Kunaka claimed. “I managed to free myself and ran towards the police station. As I was fleeing from the scene, one of them went to the parked Isuzu twin cab and pulled out an AK 47 riffle and pursued me. When l turned and saw a man pointing a gun at me I immediately stopped. “He then dragged me to the parked Isuzu car where there were two men and they covered my face and mouth and sped off. Kunaka said he was taken to a bushy area along Seke road just before Chitungwiza where he was assaulted. Zanu PF is embroiled in bitter factional wrangle pitting Vice president Joice Mujuru and Justice Minister, Emmerson Mnangagwa and Kunaka is believed to be aligned to the VPs camp which has been under fire for plotting to ouster Mugabe. “We travelled for some distance and they stopped the car and started to beat me up with some objects that I could not see. I screamed whilst trying to free myself,” he said. Kunaka said he suspected the attack could have been engineered by Gomwe. “I think it is Gomwe. He has failed to penetrate some districts and he thinks it is because of me. So I think he is the one who sent them to come and assault me,” Kunaka said as he struggled to speak Gomwe however refuted the allegations raised against him saying he was “too busy to do so” Meanwhile Harare Provincial Executive Wednesday said Amos Midzi was no longer the provincial chairperson despite him claiming that his ousting was null and void. Addressing scores of people at the provincial offices, Secretary for Legal Affairs Danny Musukuma said Midzi should swallow his pride and step down. “PEC members met today (Wednesday) and reaffirmed the decision to cast a vote of no confidence in comrade Midzi. He is dismissed and barred from conducting any party business in his former capacity including convening any meeting or to claim, purport, insinuate, and represent or hold out to any person both within and outside the party that, he is the Zanu PF provincial chairman for Harare and, Christopher Chigumba remains the interim chairman,” he said. Midzi was ousted last week on allegations of fanning factionalism in the party. The Zimbabwe mail
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:17:30 +0000

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