Chiropractic Update: Can This Economy Cause Back Pain? The - TopicsExpress


Chiropractic Update: Can This Economy Cause Back Pain? The headline to this email may seem strange to you. After all, what does the economy have to do with your back? According to the Johns Hopkins Health Alerts, quite a bit. The Health Alert entitled, Back Pain and Osteoporosis Special Report The Mind Body Connection, reads A growing number of studies affirm that the mind-body connection also plays a role in back pain, both in setting off an initial back pain attack and in contributing to ongoing chronic pain. The Health Alert went on to say psychological distress increases the risk of developing back pain, followed by a slow recovery. This is whats very interesting: One study found catastrophizing increased the risk of getting back pain. This, the writer explained, is largely due to the fight or flight mechanism. During this stress response, your body produces chemicals to make you hyper-alert. This causes muscles to tense up and can even go into spasm. It is important to understand this today, because every time you turn on the television, someone is reminding you our economy is a catastrophe; the worst economic times since the great depression... and that we may be on the verge of total collapse. This is not to say the situation is not bad; but, catastrophizing may be giving you a life of aches and pains. There are many thing you can do to stop the cycle. Breathing exercises, stretching, meditation and exercise will all help. CHIROPRACTIC CARE AND ACUPUNCTURE CAN OFTEN BE A GREAT STRESS REDUCER AND A TIME TO JUST RELAX AND GET AWAY FROM IT ALL. The bottom line is: There may be nothing YOU can personally do to change our economy, so it makes NO sense to constantly stress over it and get sick.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:39:06 +0000

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