Chloe frowned. “You have this completely under control, don’t - TopicsExpress


Chloe frowned. “You have this completely under control, don’t you?” He nodded. “I suppose I could do that. It’s very kind of you to offer to escort me. When I started this, I didn’t imagine it would turn out this way.” “No, I don’t suppose you did. You probably thought we’d make you walk the plank or some such nonsense.” “Something like that,” she murmured. It made him wonder what was so terrible in life that a person would run towards more danger. Surely, someone could have offered to help her—a family friend? A neighbor she could have stayed with until she could get to her grandmother, or her grandmother could come to her? Her story was a little strange. Not unbelievable, but not entirely solid either. What was it about what she’d told him that bothered him? He couldn’t put his finger on it. “Gabriel?” “Oui?” It struck him that she might not know any French, but he found it to be second nature. Even his family spoke French a majority of the time in New Orleans. And none of the sailors on La Voyageur had ever had any trouble understanding him. “When do you eat here?” He threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, chère. What you ate in the storage room must have been something. We’ll have lunch soon. I promise. I’ll send a tray up to you, if you can’t manage to get to the mess hall.” “Thank you.” She frowned again. “And there’s one other thing.” “What is that?” “My clothing. My dresses are gone. I have nothing to wear.” A rose color spread over her cheeks, which was very charming. “I’m fairly naked under here.” He nodded. He didn’t need the reminder that he’d seen some of it, that her shift was the only thing that had saved her. “I will have them laundered. But, it’s not nearly enough for you, Chloe. I’ll send something else up for you too. I’m sure there are a few spare dresses we can manage to hand over.” He nodded. “My mother used to spend some time on the ship when I was still a boy.” “Oh. Thank you. I hate to put you out.” “You’re not. And my mother would like that someone could use them.” She nodded. Gabriel gave her a steady gaze. “You get some rest. You don’t look so well. I’m sure you’ll feel better later. I’ll have Henri take a look at you this afternoon, see if he can fix that wound up for you.” Then he left the cabin and closed the door behind himself. Outside the door, he stopped, let out a long breath. He couldn’t get the image of her lying in bed out of his mind. Her long, wavy yellow hair draped over the pillows, her cheeks a little pink from embarrassment. And the slight curve of her breasts beneath the covers. He shivered with reaction. Mon Dieu, he’d just never had this with any woman except Chloe Waverly. And who the hell was she, anyway? It was going to drive him crazy, trying to figure her out. #historicalromance #Victorian #suspense #HeiressesinLove
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:05:55 +0000

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