Choose Hope When Jesus that his close friend Lazarus was - TopicsExpress


Choose Hope When Jesus that his close friend Lazarus was sick ,he did not rush to Bethany to be with Lazarus. He instead remained in Perea for two additional days . When he arrived In Bethany , his friend Lazarus was dead. Mary and Martha who was Lazarus sisters was grief stricken. Martha proclaimed to Jesus had he came earlier Lazarus would not have died. In a time of crisis ,we must always remain hopeful . What seems impossible with man is possible with God. Jesus then told Mary and Martha ,I am the one who raises the dead to life! Everyone who has faith in me will live ,even if they die John 11;12,25 . If we seek forgiveness of our sins and believe by faith we are forgiven, we are promised eternity. One must combine ones faith with works. The scripture states ;Faith is the substance of things hoped for ,the evidence of things not seen Jesus knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead/. However, Mary and Martha did not. When we are confronted with crisis in life ,we can have hope by remembering three words Believe In Me Dont give grief and pain .Believe in me Dont let your world come crashing down Believe In Me Dont give up Believe In Me To choose hope is to take Jesus at his word when he says Believe in me. I am more powerful than your pain . I will carry you through. I will heal your heart . If you are experiencing a crisis in your life choose hope. With Jesus as your Savior, you can remain Hope Full in a world where many are Hope Less Peace and Love Ronald Watson JD MEd NCPM
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:47:43 +0000

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