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Choose from one of our fabulous range of fascinating nostalgic Scottish Memories DVDs including the DVD Memories of Steam in Scotland 1850-1970. Its 1953 Glasgow Fair fortnight and a bright summers morning as we cast off and pull away from Glasgow’s Bridge Wharf aboard the graceful steamer T.S. Duchess of Hamilton with her decks packed with excited fellow passengers and holidaymakers. Slowly we pull away carving an arc of white foam as we gradually make our way out into the main river and a shrill blast of her horn. I can feel the steady familiar powerful reverberations of her powerful engines from the deck beneath as we pick up speed. Heading downriver we pass the Yoker Ferry and the numerous bustling great shipyards of the Clyde, their massive cranes and giant steel hull structures slowly emerging from each dock. Passing the Erskine Ferry the River Clyde now broadening and the familiar sight of Dumbarton Castle comes into view. With the wind in my face and a familiar taste and smell a mixture of salt and soot we gradually enter open water heading for our first stop Gourock. The pier is crowded with passengers, luggage porters and freight eagerly awaiting our arrival. With our compliment of fresh faces, luggage and cargo aboard we pull away from the pier and out into the bay our next destination Dunoon. Once more in open water we are at soon at speed with an escort of screaming gulls overhead. Passing the familiar landmarks of Toward point and lighthouse we approach Dunoon, it’s picturesque Victorian pier and red roofed buildings coming into view with Burn’s Highland Mary keeping an ever watchful lookout over the scene below. Exchanging passengers, luggage and freight casting off we are soon once more churning water as we steam out of Dunoon heading for Rothesay my most cherished holiday destination for the next two weeks. Just one example of the exclusive Scottish Memories DVDs from Video History Scotland videohistoryscotland email: enquiries@videohistoryscotland
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:15:27 +0000

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