Choose – Part 2 As I stare at my works and try to define them, - TopicsExpress


Choose – Part 2 As I stare at my works and try to define them, a new feeling and sensation comes over me, radiating from them. A new glow starts to come from them, one that is faint, but incredibly noticeable. The glow is familiar, and it takes me a bit before I can finally recognize it, they shine with the same glow that life bares. The colored glow that emanates from human faces, it now also affects my designs. I get up and move closer to them, able to feel the resonating life coming from them. Truly I believe my art has come to life! As I stand in between them, I am overcome with two different sensations, one from each of them. I move towards the jagged and intricately designed wall, and press my body to it. The immediate sensation is warm, but it gives me an uncomfortable feeling, one that makes me want to pull away. I do soon pull from the wall, and go to the flat wall, and press my body against it as well. The feeling is cool, but soothing, so I continue to press my body into it. The calming and serene feeling is wonderful, making me stay there for some time. As I remain against my flat art, the once soothing feeling starts to become very chilling and uncomfortable, causing me to feel very cold and a bit sore. I rip myself from the wall when I grow too nauseas, and decide to warm myself up against the jagged art work. I hold myself against the other half of the wall, allowing it to warm me up, and trying to ignore the stinging pain from it. I notice the longer I press myself against the jagged wall, the less painful it becomes, and soon, more than just bearable, it becomes more calming than what the chilling flat canvas offered. I find myself melting against the jagged warm surface, feeling too comfortable to want to pull away. As I lay there and relax, I start hearing faint whispers. Quickly I pull away from the wall and look around, attempting to find the source of the noise. They whisper again, and I search frantically, not sure if I should be intrigued or frightened, or even both. Again I hear the whispers, and hear them coming from both of my art works. The louder whisper comes from flat wall, so I move closer and turn my ear to it, wanting to hear it more clearly. I decipher what it’s saying, and keep it in mind, and decide to interpret the whispering of the jagged piece. I lean in close, but the whispers are much quieter, so I press my ear to the wall. I ignore the initial discomfort as I listen in more intensely, before finally I can understand what it says. As I step back, playing their messages in my head over and over again, a thought riddles through me: I have yet to name these works! They were created by me, and now bare the essence of life, they deserve a name. I recall their whispers and grant them the name that I believe they decided for themselves, as their whispers tried to tell me. On the flat wall, in the far corner, I paint down its name and message: Worthlessness. I move to the jagged wall, and jot down its name and message as well: Value. I move to the center, and sit in between them, wanting to bask in the life they give off, listening to their whispers, and enjoying their company. Despite half of me feeling very comfortable, and the other half uncomfortable, I later become drowsy, and fall asleep, close to the company of my creations.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:32:56 +0000

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