Choosing Bodyguards - Rough Men or Pansies: Early in life I - TopicsExpress


Choosing Bodyguards - Rough Men or Pansies: Early in life I decided not to walk down dark, narrow, alleys without great lines of sight and many hidden off shoots. Call me paranoid, but I also look closely at all who approach me to determine if they might pose a threat. I read eyes and body language. I note ethnicities and appearances. I look for things that I know to be significant and avoid all situations where my safety may be compromised. And then there are my personal protection team members. This folks blend in nicely and do not follow the standard approach to the creation of zones as one would with a head of state. They take an approach that leaves me free to chat and meet folks within a proscribed arc of safety that they provide. These are professionals, well paid, well trained and very dedicated and loyal. Each has been well vetted, they have histories and are well know to many trusted people. There are no islamists and no liberals, neither are there any non-straight or progressives in the mix. With my personal safety there are no compromises, this is not a popularity contest, its real life and one mistake or miscue can be fatal. We take it seriously. Now why cant the safety of the nation be on the same footing? Or would that mean that the man in charge might have to listen to those who know more than he does in a particular area? Could it be that the inflexibility of the ideologue in power might prevent him from acknowledging his need to rely on others whose broad range of experience may trump his own limited world view? Does narcissistic personality disorder cramp ones style? We have put the safety and security of the nation into the hands of a novice with a proclivity for non-republican views, an international perspective - not an American one. Dear leader is often out in la la land with what he speechifies constantly and tries to sound like a regular American homeboy, and fails miserably. Try as he might, the tenor and tone about him just doesnt quite cut the mustard with the ring of truth. We have put our trust in someone who is constantly providing evidence that he does not honor the Republic they way we were taught to honor her. His tough talk seems wordy and a little Shakespearean and fake. Like a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury - signifying nothing. We have been had and our experienced and knowing men and women are being fired and are bailing out of their own accord because they cannot stand to be in the service of these Jeffersonian types even though they are moving on up. We chose incompetent bodyguards for the nation and the pansies are wee cowering timorous beasties, with panic in their breasties (sorry Robert Burns). Our radical start as a nation and the blessings that we have enjoyed have opened a chink in our armor and the enemy used it to lull us into believing lies and departing from the knowledge that originally made us great. We denied the God who delivered on His promises and turn against Him. We elevated that which He called profane, and cheered that which he declared to be sin. We denied him thrice. We are getting what we deserve. Repent...Restore the Founding Principles...Remove the blight. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:49:09 +0000

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