Choosing a Sport How do you know what sport will be best for - TopicsExpress


Choosing a Sport How do you know what sport will be best for your child? Ask them what theyd like to do. Many kids, says McGough, will see or try a lot of different athletic activities, whether at school, during camp, or in after-school programs. That gives them the chance to decide what appeals the most. Identify and support your childs own interests, says McGough. Thats your starting point. Keep in mind that the sport should be one that will hold your childs interest. For example, McGough points out that baseball involves a lot of time standing in the outfield, and that invites distraction. Soccer, on the other hand, keeps a child moving. McGough says that some reports -- but little research -- suggest that individual sports such as tennis, swimming, and running may better suit kids with attention problems. In team sports such as football or basketball, players need to pay constant attention to other players, strategies, and plays. That will be tough for a child with ADHD. But if your child really wants to try a team sport, you should encourage it, says McGough. Both McGough and Salpekar say that martial arts, particularly karate, tae kwon do, and others that emphasize forms, are very popular with kids who have ADHD. In classes, the kids line up to do the same moves, and that reinforces timing and focus, says Salpekar. Kids with ADHD really take to that. Salpekar, who coached kids soccer for many years, also recommends that parents pay close attention to their childs personality when choosing a sport. If theyre not very competitive, he says, dont put them in a competitive activity. Enjoyment, participation, and peer bonding are much more important in the long run than the competitive aspect, he explains. That said, if your child has real talent and drive for a certain sport, by all means, encourage them to compete, says McGough. ADHD should not limit a childs ambition. Look at Michael Phelps. He has the disorder. He also has 18 Olympic gold medals for swimming. If youre really good, go for it, says McGough.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:19:22 +0000

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