Choosing a wedding band - why you should ask who will be with you - TopicsExpress


Choosing a wedding band - why you should ask who will be with you on the night. Goodfellas always has the same four members at every event. Always. This is important because a band SHOULD be rehearsed, tight, practised and experienced. Thats what you are paying for. What would you say if you knew that the band you were paying good money for had never met, never mind played together, before your night? If they had NEVER rehearsed? If they had numerous bands, using the same name, out on the same night as yours? How special, how exclusive would that be for you, who have put so much effort and research into all aspects of your special day? Believe it or not this happens!!! All the time. So, when you go to one of those showcases where you get to choose a singer from a selection to front the band for your night, ask yourself these questions. What happens the singers I DONT choose? Do they stay at home on my night? ( No they dont!!) Will I be getting the rehearsed band that backs the singers at the showcase? If so, who backs the other singers? Have the band any LIVE videos on their site? If not, WHY not? Have they any pictures of the FACES of the band? Are they the people at the showcase? Can I view the band at a wedding? If not WHY not?? Can I request the names of the people at the showcase and insist theyre going to be there on my special night? Goodfellas have put hundreds of hours into rehearsing the smallest details, into tight harmony vocals and nuanced performance. Then we took the band on the road, honing our performance night after night There is no band on the scene tighter. We can say that with confidence. We were friends before we were ever a band. That came later. Most of the bands on the scene fall into this category - honest operators with ONE lineup. Be vigilant for the other kind, because just like a kitchen where everybody is on their first day there, or an office full of temps, it can only lead to sloppy results. Your money should buy you better than that! For your special day, only a Rolls-Royce will do! Over and out and happy hunting!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:59:36 +0000

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