Chose the title of this story,-LEARN TO APRICIATE- BE PATIANT- U - TopicsExpress


Chose the title of this story,-LEARN TO APRICIATE- BE PATIANT- U DNT KNW WAT GOT TILL ITS GONE-M In hospital ward 6 there were 2 woman sharing that ward, It was miss Johnes n miss Jackson,they where both depending On the hospital machines to breath miss johnes was beter coz she could stand up open the curtains as she was sleeping next to The was difficult for miss Jackson to lift her head her back was hurting 2much. Atleast miss johnes was telling her wat she see outside the window Everyday she discribes the outside tell her she sees the park with a dam Floating with ducks n colorfull flamingos n couples with a picnic basket. Everyday she tell her stories to make her feell good n outside,but she had joulos She wanted to sleep next to the window To see on her own. 1 night miss Johnes was choking could not breath well, trying to screem help only miiss Jackson could hear her. Miss johns was not able to press the button. To allet the Nursis. Miss Jackson. Just looked at her n let her die without pressing the button on her behalf. In the morning the Nurse came only to found her dead,they took her outleft her bed unoccupied. Miss Jackson then droped herself on the floor to crawl to the bed next to the window, then she look outside the window She see nothing but a tall wall, then she realised that miss Johnes was miking up stories to make her happy. JELOUSY-ENVEY-...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:06:16 +0000

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