Chri stmas Day and if you even have time to get to Face Book and - TopicsExpress


Chri stmas Day and if you even have time to get to Face Book and do an assignment today, here it is, Share what you do and how you celebrate Christmas day! It can be Christmas present or Christmas past, or both, whatever you feel like sharing today. I have really enjoyed your responses so much this week. I am going to keep this going through the end of the year and I think have a sharing question once a week after that. I have learned and shared things from your answers, we all have something to offer. Our Christmas day is very laid back and relaxed. After all the work we put into yesterday, we like no pressure today. I made all the potato salad yesterday to go with the ham we will cook whenever we feel like it, and all the desserts have already been made so there is no major cooking at our house and no company! Our daughter gets to do all the work today, she will make a standing rib roast and all the fixings and we will have dinner over there and stay as long as we want or as little as we want, there are no rules on Christmas day in our family. Our day will start with Bryan opening his presents, and he just woke up, so I will be back shortly.....Im back, and that is how it starts on our Christmas day. Bryan opens his gifts, then his dad who is here falls asleep on the couch and grandpa goes back to bed, while Bryan plays with his new toys and I do whatever I want. Anything that has to be put together will wait for the men, the same with any $5 toy that requires tools to get out of the package! We will be lazy until it is time to go to our daughters, then we will come home and be lazy. Then we will prepare a dinner that requires very little work later and be lazy again. This is a far cry from the Christmas day of my youth, but things change as you get older, it just happens. As a child we got up at about three in the morning which didnt bother my parents, they hadnt been to bed yet and they knew as soon as we opened our gifts they could go to sleep because we always fell back to sleep. Later my mothers siblings would all come with their kids so we had a house full of family and food and we ate food that we only ate once a year because other family members brought it and it must have been expensive because we never got it. We did get tangerines and nuts, we only got them at Thanksgiving and Christmas and we loved them. We were told that all our gifts and stocking came from Santa and we believed until we were old enough not to anymore, but our neighbors, our best friends were taught to believe that the gifts in their stockings were from Santa and anything under the tree was from mom and dad and if they had it the kids got more and if not they didnt, they didnt get much, but we never questioned it. So what will your day be like?
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:42:27 +0000

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