Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio We go to the ring and out comes - TopicsExpress


Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio We go to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho. We go to commercial. Back from the break and out comes Ricardo Rodriguez to do the introduction for World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. Out comes Del Rio for a non-title match. They lock up and go to the mat. Back and forth before Jericho plays to the crowd. Del Rio with a headlock and a shoulder. Jericho comes back with a dropkick. Jericho with chops in the corner. Del Rio turns it around beats Jericho back into the corner. Del Rio with a big running kick to the face and more stomps. Jericho comes back and hits a dropkick from the second rope. 2 count by Jericho. Jericho dumps Del Rio to the floor. He goes to springboard out but Del Rio comes back in and Jericho lands on his knee. Del Rio tosses Jericho into the barrier as we go to commercial. Back from the break and Del Rio is in control but Jericho rolls him up for 2. Jericho with a comeback and a knee, and enziguri to the head for a 2 count. More back and forth action. Del Rio tosses Jericho to the apron but he goes to the top. Del Rio runs up with a big kick to the head and sends Jericho to the floor. The referee starts counting. He comes back in before 10 but Del Rio takes him out. Del Rio with a suplex and a 2 count. Jericho with chops. Del Rio takes him back down and the crowd boos. Another pin attempt by Del Rio. Del Rio with a big kick to the back and a headlock. Del Rio with more offense in the corner. Del Rio takes Jericho to the top but Jericho sends him to the mat. Jericho nails a crossbody for 2. Jericho with chops and a big right hand. Jericho with a suplex into a pin for 2. Del Rio ends up running shoulder first into the ring post as Jericho moves. Del Rio blocks the Codebreaker but Jericho rolls him up and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Del Rio fights him off and counters. Del Rio with a kick to the jaw and a 2 count. Del Rio goes for the cross armbreaker but Jericho nails a bulldog. Del Rio blocks the Lionsault with knees to the gut. Del Rio locks in the cross armbreaker but Jericho finally makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Jericho gets the Walls locked in but Ricardo runs in and hits Jericho with his bucket to causer the DQ. Winner by DQ: Chris Jericho
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 07:34:27 +0000

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