Chris Rock Astro-Anaylsis By now, youve probably heard, that - TopicsExpress


Chris Rock Astro-Anaylsis By now, youve probably heard, that Rock has announced that he will be divorcing his wife of nearly 20 years. This comes at the same time that his excellent film Top Five has come out earlier this month. Attached is Rocks horoscope, although it is important to point out that ADB reports the possibility of several other potential charts for him: astro/astro-databank/Rock,_Chris For my money, just eyeballing his chart on my computer screen without doing much else for a minute or so, the official birth data is the one. Note right off the bat the highly prominent Venus in the 10th house, which is both Rx and in Capricorn, one of Venus most difficult placements (yours truly would know a bit about the latter). Venus Rx is a clarion call that relationship issues will prove to be a very, very important - and more often than not very difficult - arena of human endeavor. This would be the case no matter what Sign Venus would be in; but in Capricorn, which in my opinion is one of toughest for Venus, there is the very real suggestion that Rock has a lot of delayed maturation and fears of intimacy that he has yet to overcome. And those fears come from past rejections from previous ladies he may have had an interest in and they did not reciprocate. Please note Venus rulership of the 2nd house of both money and self-worth/esteem, and rules the 7th house of relationships and marriage. Also, please note how Venus is Peregrine(Tyl) - without any standard aspect in the chart. Its symbolism, by Sign, house placement and rulership, and most especially in terms of being Rx, utterly dominates his life. Midpoint pictures involving Venus corroborates: Neptune=Venus/Saturn, Sun=Venus/Mars, Venus=Mars/Jupiter, AP=Venus/Node. My guess is that this chart is accurate to within 15 minutes or so, most likely pushing the chart ahead a few degrees; this would align the current MC, which is about 11 Capricorn, right into the current Uranus-Pluto square degrees, 12-14 Cardinals. Moreover, it would seem that the the transit of Saturn in Scorpio passing over his 7th house Neptune, Feb-Apr 2014 and Oct-Nov 2014, seems to have been the coup de grace.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:05:33 +0000

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