Chris and I left New York for good in October of 2000. 11 months - TopicsExpress


Chris and I left New York for good in October of 2000. 11 months later on 9/11/2001, New York and America were changed forever -- the days of innocence over! Every year I go back and witness this first hand. New York is just not the same. Has the city changed that much, or is it just me? NYC was always accessible, attainable even, as far back as 1980. Now its so unrealistically expensive, and seems to have a huge cloud hanging over it. The younger natives wouldnt notice it, but I do since I knew NYC in the day! At any rate, this year I will visit the 9/11 site for the first time. This makes me extremely anxious since the memory of the Trade Towers is so strongly embedded into my consciousness. Perhaps because it was the first NYC Landmark I visited in 1974. So I hope when I see the new memorial and the buildings that have been so carefully planned and built in the Towers place, that the clouds will pass and that my spirit will again be uplifted. My wish for the world is that we move pass terrorism and rather towards harmony, peace and cooperation. After all, we have work to do!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:00:43 +0000

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