Christ Care Widows Ministry Christ Care Widows ministry was - TopicsExpress


Christ Care Widows Ministry Christ Care Widows ministry was established in 2008 to address the lack of programs focused specifically on widows in Migori County. The program mission is to increase awareness about HIV/AIDS, fight the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, and to provide support to widows and orphans living with and affected by the disease. The ministry focuses on counseling and social assistance, HIV/AIDS information and education, and conducting advocacy against harmful cultural practices and beliefs that impact widows. It also empowers widows by providing business development skills that allow women to reduce their dependency on men. Christ Care Widows ministry membership includes 50 widows and over 300 orphans. Another objective is to fight centrifugal practices of widow inheritance through counselling, sensitization and Education not only because it runs contrary to basic human rights, but also because this is a fertile ground for HIV/AIDS transmission in Nyanza. We operate among the Luo, Luhya, Kuria and Kisii tribes of South Nyanza. Some of this tribes practice wife inheritance which has fueled the spread of HIV-Aids and great need for counseling for the widows in our program. Widows are often looked down on and pitied in Kenya Once revered as an important tradition, wife inheritance has also turned to be an altar of abuse for many widows in Luo Nyanza. Many have been maimed while others die at the hands of their inheritors. Main objectives of Christ Care Widows Ministry Reaching the widows and their children with the life saving gospel of Jesus To fight centrifugal practices of widow inheritancee To provide food and seeds for all the widows under our program Improve the health status 50 widows in Christ Care Community Empower widows to stand up for their rights and to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS Strengthen HIV prevention activities in the Community Offset the economic impact of HIV/AIDS on families by encouraging widows to engage in income generating activities
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:01:58 +0000

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