Christ Embassy holds 5 days of glory The Imo State branch of - TopicsExpress


Christ Embassy holds 5 days of glory The Imo State branch of Believers Love-world Incorporated (a.k.a Christ Embassy) first held 5 days of glory programme in 2010. This was just a year after the church moved to its present auditorium. Three years after, the church is at it again. Between September 18 and 22, great men of God from the ministry would storm Owerri to drill the brethren on the Word of God. There promises to be spiritual impartations that would catapult the brethren from the level of glory they are at the moment to the next and higher level of glory. To ensure the hearts of the brethren are alert to receive, the local assembly embarked on a two-week-long early morning prayer sessions between 6:00am and 7: 00am. The prayer sessions preceded the event. And to also provide the right spiritual ambience, the church auditorium has been adorned with buntings. Even the pulpit has been replaced with the type the President of the ministry, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome, (Ph.D) uses. The brethren are seriously eager to lambano everything that God has in store for them. Their enthusiasm is infectious. This could be gleaned on the day one of the programme on September 18. Right from the opening prayer segment to ministration by the choristers, special numbers by Bro. Hero, Sister Linda, Mark T and the worship song by Deaconess Meg, our own Sinach, the glory of God was palpable in the auditorium. Even the drama presented by the Platinum Creations was mind-blowing. From it, participants got to know that even a Christian could be tormented by the enemy in the presence of God if he does not take charge through the Word of God. The drama was about a Christian who had prayed to God to supply his need according to His riches in glory. He was in dire need of food. He cried to the Lord and he answered him. Of course, God is in the business of answering the prayer of the righteous. An angel of God brought food to him but right in the presence of God’s messenger, the enemy ate the food and nearly consumed all until the Christian rebuked the enemy, who had no option but to flee. If the drama was an eye-opener, the sermon enlightened the eyes of understanding of the brethren the more on the subject of pre-destination. Quoting copiously from the Bible, the immediate past Commissioner for Finance in Imo State, Deacon Chike Okafor submitted that pre-destination exists but maintained that man as a free moral agent has the capacity and capability to determine the course of his life on the planet earth. Hear him: ‘Is there pre-destination? Yes. Has God pre-destined us? Yes. But is He responsible for the good and bad things that happen in our lives? Not exactly. He is only responsible for the good things,’ Deacon Chike submitted. According to Deacon Chike, there are two types of pre-destination namely pre-destination for salvation and pre-destination for glory. He stated that all of mankind had been saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus but maintained that not all have been vitally saved. To be vitally-saved, he insisted, one has to believe and confess with one’s mouth the lordship of Jesus over one’s life. To him, this is the beginning of life of glory. He however submitted that the glory of the gospel could only shine on one when one decides so. ‘Those who are succeeding in life had taken charge in the realm of the spirit because life is spiritual, he stated, adding that the unbeliever is not only damned in the sweet by and by but also in the present life. To buttress his submission that man has the audacity to change his destiny, he took participants to Isaiah 38:1 where a prophecy came to King Hezekiah from Isaiah that he should prepare to die. The Bible tells us that after receiving the message, King Hezekiah prayed to God to reverse the death sentence. However, King Hezekiah presented his strong reasons why it was not expedient for him to check out of the planet earth at the time. Before Isaiah could leave the king’s palace, same God directed him to go back to tell the king that he had given him extra 15 years. The former commissioner stated that God is God of pattern and set time, stressing that any man who runs his own agenda would fail. ‘Show me a man running his own agenda and I show you a man who is damned but show me a man who is running God’s agenda and I will show you a man who is on the right path.’ He counselled participants to be sensitive to the spirit as the word of God comes to them during the programme and to be quick at sealing prophecies with their seeds. Deacon Chike warned brethren against storming out of the church out of annoyance caused them by anybody. The move of the spirit on Day One of the programme is a shadow of the greater glory that is to come during the event. Certainly, the brethren in Owerri will never be same again. After sitting at the feet of Pastor Vale Odu-Thomas and Pastor T. T. Edu, ministers who work closely with Rev. Chris Oyakhilome, the lives of the brethren in Owerri are guaranteed to enter the auto-cruise level of glory. Pastor Patrick Nwachi sums it all: The brethren are expectant. I am not missing anything. And I can say same of others. We prepared well to receive and we are going to receive all.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:43:34 +0000

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