Christ The Substitute The very foundation of our Christian faith - TopicsExpress


Christ The Substitute The very foundation of our Christian faith is the substitution death of Jesus Christ on the cross for our salvation. This is so simple to understand yet it is too hard for others to accept for several reasons among which is the acceptance of the underlying fact that: we (sinful men) owe the debt we could not pay, and Jesus paying the debt He did not owe, all for the motive of love. In the worldly systems one has to do something to be loved but in the case of the substitution of Christ in the crucifixion, we did not do anything both significant or worthy to be loved. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. If it was not so, salvation of mankind could not have been possible because the fall of Adam corrupted everything in every man. Hence Jesus, the sinless Son of the Living God became the sacrificial lamb for our redemption. In the substitution was an exchange of everything in man for everything in God, of transgression for pardon, of rejection for adoption, of curses for blessedness, of sicknesses for divine health, of death for eternal life. Since in His substitution we traded places, so was the transfer of every His glory for our shame. The fact is that whatever happened since the first time of this transfer is still relevant and holding forever. This means whatever was intended for you in Christ could still be obtained or be received. Another important fact about this substitution is that it has provided the provision for the entire package of salvation yet it requires faith to receive it. Salvation does not come automatically though technically one is not required to do anything for it, because we could not, yet we need to believe what God has done freely for in order to receive it. This is the underlying fact of For by grace are ye saved through faith which is the gift of God and not of works, lest any man should boast A major fact of this substitution is that it is complete. There is nothing else left to be done to complete the salvation of mankind; there is no other opportunity after this grace. The next is judgment and accountability before God at the appointed time. To the fella who has not actually come to terms with the substitution death of Jesus on the cross, your best bet is to personalized this experience and believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior; because that is what He became when He demonstrated Gods love for you. To be blunt, God has not provided another means for salvation for you. If you know that you know, that you know that you have genuinely believed and still confess Jesus as lord and Savior, you must as well go for the entire package of salvation: that you may be well with you and be in excellent health even as your soul prospers It is time to proclaim your liberty from anything that holds you back because deliverance is part of the package as well as redemption of our souls.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:42:09 +0000

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