Christ came specifically for you and me 2 Kings 2 and Luke 24 If - TopicsExpress


Christ came specifically for you and me 2 Kings 2 and Luke 24 If you read chapter 1 of the Book of 2 Kings you realize that Elijah came with a message of death to Ahaziah. In Chapter 2 of 2 Kings; it describes how he was taken to Heaven. He told Elisha to stay where they were and said the Lord had sent him to Bethel but Elisha told him wherever he goes he will also go. Elijah came to a point of asking Elisha what he wanted and Elisha said l want a double portion of your spirit. Elisha was given a condition- if you see me when l is taken let it be done. Elisha saw Elijah taken he rent his clothes into two pieces and took Elijah’s mantle- I believe Elisha tore and throw away the spirit of being a servant and become a son to inherit from Elijah. Elijah wanted to go without Elisha knowing. Jesus Christ came with a word of life- for he is the word which is living, Elijah was sent with a word of death to Ahaziah because Moab had rebelled against Israel but Christ was sent specifically for you and I to give us eternal life though we were still sinners he said believe and you live forever. He came with special gifts from the Father today we are called the righteous ones of God through him. In the Book of Luke when Jesus resurrected he appeared to his disciples and tell them to tarry in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes upon them. He blessed them and the Bible says while he was blessing them he was taken into heaven. You need to come to a point of realize and appreciate why Christ came here on earth and died it was all because of you, his resurrection brought power and authority to every believer over every circumstance. He reconciled us with God, now we can stand boldly before the throne of Grace and talk to our Father no more Holy Of Holies where only Priests used to enter and talk to God. Christ now lives inside of you, the Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of the living water this is because of Christ inside of you he once said come you who are thirst and drink from me, whatever you do in life know that it is Christ doing it and l know he is not a failure whatever you plan should prosper. Just let the Spirit of God to lead you. When Christ was about to go he said l will not live you comfortless l will live you with the comforter he will teach in all things because l cant all of the things now. God loves you never feel you are alone adopt this thing (total reliance in God), man come and go but he remain forever. He came to show us how much God love us
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 15:43:13 +0000

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