Christ for ALL Mankind WHEN THE DISCIPLES SAW HIM WALKING ON THE SEA THEY WERE TROUBLED, SAYING, IT IS A GHOST! AND THEY CRIED OUT FOR FEAR. BUT IMMEDIATELY JESUS SPOKE TO THEM, SAYING, BE OF GOOD CHEER! IT IS I; DO NOT BE AFRAID. SO HE SAID, COME. AND WHEN PETER HAD CAME DOWN OUT OF THE BOAT HE WALKED ON THE WATER TO GO TO JESUS. BUT HE SAW THAT THE WIND WAS BOISTEROUS, HE WAS AFRAID; AND BEGINNING TO SINK HE CRIED OUT SAYING LORD SAVE ME. ( MATTHEW 14:26,27,29 &30 *NKJV ) Dear Friends, Now Peter began to sink because he took his eyes off of Jesus, and focused on the waves all around him. This was because his faith faltered. So what did Peter do but reach out to Jesus who was the only one that could save him! You see Peter forgot to; WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT. ( 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 ) Now we may not be walking on water, but when our troubles surround us, if we focus on them instead of placing our faith in Jesus, we will start to sink as well! So Friends, when you are facing difficulties and troubles surround you; keep your eyes on Jesus power rather then on your problems. Also when you are apprehensive about your troubles, and if you doubt Christs presence or His great ability to help; remember that He is the only one that can really help you as well! So tonight why not read this story. You will find it in The Book of Matthew, Chapter 14, verses 22-33, for wonderful reading it truly is! Finally Friends, WATCH, STAND FAST IN THE FAITH BE BRAVE, BE STRONG. LET ALL YOU DO BE DONE WITH LOVE. Amen. ( 1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 )
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:25:08 +0000

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