Christ is Risen! Christ never said, Good Bye You ...rather - TopicsExpress


Christ is Risen! Christ never said, Good Bye You ...rather we are never alone. Ever! Not even for a fraction of a second. The Holy Ascension of Christ is celebrated next week but His final words in Matthew are all but a good bye or farewell, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen..(Matthew 28:20) However are we with Christ? It is easy to complain and say well Christ is not in my life if we never open our hearts and try following His humble commandments. It is easy to become lonely if we put our faith in fallen things of this world forgetting that we were made for higher things, rather a Higher Person. God Himself. ..even if we had all the stuffed animals in the world. We were created to hear the angels, to commune with God, to live forever in His glory , Light, and Peace. Christ gave us His Holy Spirit, His Comforter in this world of sorrows, A light in this darkness, a way back Home, and His own Body and Blood in the Eucharist found in the fulness of His Church that he established and entrusted to the Apostles. They handed this church down to us of which we now call the Orthodox Church where His teachings and the fullness of HIs presence have remained unchanged. Furry animals may be fun for children and perhaps we have all grown up with seeing these items, however a more comforting reminder all of Gods children can have and should have is that they are never alone in this world even when we are by ourselves, God is with them, God is with us. The devil wants to make us feel isolated which is a lie and thus his specialty. No matter what road we have walked down or how far we have been on it the Lord is with us and like the prodigal son, the Father awaits our repentance and is ready to restore all that was lost as Christ has already made it available through His resurrection. The Saints, the good angels, the Holy Blessed Mother are with us, waiting for us. We can renew our relationships with them and each other in a matter of seconds. Renew our baptism and silence the false teachings of isolation by keeping Christ close or rather drawing close to Him in prayer and His Church. Remember, we were not made for this world but for Christ and in serving Him we find our purpose, we all have a purpose. So the next time we feel lonely remember Christ never said Good bye, and like Paul McCartney we can ask ourselves.... when was the last time we told Him... Hello. for Truly Christ is Risen, but He never fully left. Ever-existing, ever the same, ever-present. Amen! ;) Blessed new day everyone!
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 05:25:52 +0000

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