Christian Erick Tarronas, Sino po ba ang nagsabing sinasamba ng - TopicsExpress


Christian Erick Tarronas, Sino po ba ang nagsabing sinasamba ng mga Katoliko ang mga rebulto at mga imahen? Nasusulat po sa 10 commandments na Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbors. Pero hala, sige. Ganyan naman kayo eh. Para lang masabing mali ang mga Catholics, you put words in our mouth, and you say that we teach something that we really do not. Icon-making and the use of it is a widely accepted practice in Christianity since 1000AD, even the Orthodox churches accept this but never did they teach to worship such (Mind you, Catholics and Orthodox Churches are the mainstream Christianity which have roots during apostolic age, nagka-schism lang between them in 1054AD). Ang pagluhod at paghalik sa mga imahen ay uri ng respeto na inaalay hindi sa kahoy at bato, kundi sa kung sino ang nirerepresent nito. Kaya may mga imahen nuon at mga paintings sa Simbahan, kasi those times, maraming illiterate, maraming hindi marunong sumulat at magbasa. People would choose to work in the fields rather than try to read and write. The Church, thinking of ways to teach Salvation History as written in the Bible, thought of commissioning paintings and images to make other people see and learn about the stories in the Bible. The stories that led to their salvation through the passion and death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. You say that Catholics are blasphemers, heretics? Eh sino po ba ang tumalikod sa Catholic church? Sino po ang nagpalit ng Bible and tried to turn away from traditions when the apostles already said to hold fast to them? Sino po ba ang gumagamit ng Bible making their own interpretations, reading its contents out of context just to support their version of the truth? Nakakasawa na po na may mga taong ganyan, alam ninyo pa po sa mga Catholics ang turo nila bagamat kayo mismo ay hindi kaanib sa kanila. Kung dati po kayong Catholic e siguro you have failed to dig deeper into the vast deposit of faith ng Church. Or siguro, we, as a Church failed you in guiding you to the correct and true Catholic faith. Hindi ko po intensyon makipagdebate at mas lalong hindi ko po intensyong makipag-away. We cannot debate with our beliefs since it is already accepted that we have doctrinal differences which we will not be able to settle since this would always affect the way we believe on things. Ang sa akin lamang po, is to correct people who try to demean the Catholic teachings, or correct those who have wrong understanding of the faith. I just hope that before you believe others about how Catholics worship and practice their faith, you: 1. should critic whether your source of information is a trusted Catholic and not just someone who would want to spread black propaganda. 2. have read and carefully researched on the History of Christendom from the apostolic times, to the early Church Fathers, to the different ecumenical councils (27 all in all), the east and west schism, the deposition of heretics (Arianism, Macedonianism, Monopihisitism, Monothelitism, Donatianism etc.), the protestant reformation, and until the contemporary times. Actually, iyong ibang denominations today, are teaching doctrines which were already taught by heretics, and these were already deposed during the 1st 1000 years of the Church. An example would be Arianism which teaches that Jesus is only man, that he is just a creature by the Father, nothing more, nothing less. Those who teach that Jesus has no divine nature and only human nature supports a heretic teaching which was already deposed and falsified during the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. It is just that the measures done before would only be counter-productive, if such were implemented now in countering heretic doctrines. 3. have read and understood books on Catholic theology. Try reading them, suriin mo muna po, bago po kayo magpaniwala sa kung anu-ano. Wag nyo pong babasahin na paputol-putol, or to read only a portion of it. Read the whole work and try to critic the teachings, the message, the underlying thoughts as written by the author. Hindi po ung nagqquote lang kayo and then citing only a single passage, by that, youll be falling into an error of reading it out of context. I hope and pray na sana maliwanagan po kayo. We are all brothers and sisters in God, and in Christ, our Lord and Savior. Unlike · Reply · 145 · 17 hours ago Hide 37 Replies April Joy Saligbon Fabellon, eh pano po ung thou shall not make any graven image... Like · 1 · 18 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Maam, read the same book, the book of Exodus, there, God commanded that the people would MAKE the images of 2 cherubim on top of the Ark of the Covenant. Also, in the same book, God also instructed Moses to create an image of a Serpent and place it on a pole to heal the people. (This is actually in the book of Numbers) If we will be following your argument that making any graven images of a creature in heaven or in earth is wrong, then, therefore, God is contradicting Himself here. Which we know that God will never contradict Himself since He is the almighty, all-knowing Father. The main argument here is that God doesnt want images to be made, for them TO BE WORSHIPPED. That is the main reason why He prohibits graven images. He doesnt want them to become IDOLS. He became angry with the Israelites when they WORSHIPPED the golden cow, because God is a jealous God. Graven images and other things, become idols ONLY when we revere them so much that we cast God aside. That is not what God wants. There is a great difference between IDOLS and just GRAVEN IMAGES. 1st point: Catholics do not use graven images to worship them. Catholics make graven images, as representations only, for an effective worship to God, and reverence to the saints. 2nd point: IDOLS are not restricted only to graven images or pictures. They can be anything that we would love and revere more than we love and revere God. Thats why, Idols can come in the form of greed for power, money, addictions, even people. Like · 20 · 16 hours ago · Edited Chris David Whatever it is Im proud to say that I am a roman catholic, thanks Christian for ur great message & I do hope that everyone of us must respect each others belief, but I dont know why a lot of religion are trying destroy catholic while catholic Never do that to them? Like · 26 · 17 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Remember po that those who follow Christ will always have detractors, that Christians will always be persecuted for what they believe in. Yes, Catholics are the majority nowadays, but there is still a great number of people who try to demean us. In this, we must study our faith, why we do such things, why we make the sign of the cross, why we allow images for veneration, why we have a Pope, why we have a doctrine on purgatory, why we trust in the saints. All of these are biblical and correct. Its just that people lack the knowledge as to why they are correct and true, leading to their easy waning of faith, which makes them vulnerable in the proselytizing of other denominations. This is truly saddening. The Church have been silent for so long but there are already lay initiatives conducting apologetic studies in the defense of the faith. But please, now is not the time to debate on beliefs. Ang dami pong nangangailangan ng tulong sa bansa natin. Sila muna po ang unahin natin. Like · 16 · 17 hours ago Leny Razonable,Thanks Christian for such message. I admit i have doubts in my heart being Catholic, but now u enlightened my mind. Hope you could share more to our fellow Catholics who are like me...thanks and God bless. Like · 9 · 17 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas yun nga rin po ung problema ngayon, sa dami po nating catholics, hindi po lahat ay nakaka-receive ng formal catholics education which teaches church history, and theology. Maganda po sanang matutunan natin ang mga ito para hindi po tayo agad2 napapaniwala at nasisindak ng mga taong nais manligaw ng mga tupa. https://facebook/KatolikongPinoy Visit this fb page po, may apologetics po dyan at marami po kayong matututunan to strengthen your faith. Sa 2000+ years po nating existence as a Church, magpapaniwala pa po ba tayo sa iba? God bless po in your journey Like · 7 · 17 hours ago Ken Lopez there, God commanded that the people would MAKE the images of 2 cherubim on top of the Ark of the Covenant.---ETO PO BA ANG BASEHAN NYO....ILAN BESES PO BINANGGIT YAN SA BIBLIYA?PAKISAGOT LANG PO...TNX Like · 16 hours ago Anilod Earpam Isa po ako sa mga nasisiyahan sa message mo... nakaka sali din po ako noon ng Catholic Faith Defenders Seminars... sana lahat nating mga kaptid na Catholics maka attend ng ganito. Like · 2 · 16 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas @Ken Lopez. opo sir, read Exodus 25:17-22 for the Ark of the Covenant cherubims and Numbers 24:8-9 for the bronze serpent. and please do read these webpages, catholicdoors/.../statueworship.htm Like · 3 · 16 hours ago Ken Lopez pwede po mag tanong san na po yun cherubim at serpent pole sa mga simbahan na sinabi nyi na yun ang utos ng Dios?gusto ko malaman para maliwanagan ako Like · 2 · 16 hours ago Rina Mata Gaspar Catholic Faith will not be shaken by any storm or calamity.......God bless us all.. Like · 5 · 16 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas @Ken Lopez. opo sir, read Exodus 25:17-22 for the Ark of the Covenant cherubims and Numbers 24:8-9 for the bronze serpent. and please do read these webpages, catholicdoors/.../statueworship.htm Like · 3 · 16 hours ago · Edited Carmelita Sanchez Gonzales Only Catholic the true religion Amen.... Like · 2 · 16 hours ago Ken Lopez ang inutos po ng Dios mag lagay ng serpent sa pole at gumawa ng cherubim ang point ko me purpose po yun,ang tanong ko san naka sulat sa Bible na mag lagay ka ng rebulto ng mga santo,santo nino at ni Maria sa loob ng simbahan...give me Bible verse and Chapters?pakisagot po ,salamat.. Like · 1 · 16 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Ken Lopez my point is that creating images is not a sin in itself. It becomes wrong when you worship them, that is IDOLATRY, that is my point. Now you are asking me where it is written in the Bible that it is okay for making of statues and images and placing them on churches. Obviously, you have not read any of the links that I have posted above. Here: Ezekiel 14: 17-26. The following verses depict how the inner walls and doors of the Temple in Jerusalem had graven images of cherub, palm trees, man’s faces and lion’s faces: “…..on every wall on every side in both the inner and outer rooms were carved the figures of cherubim and palmtrees: a palmtree between every two cherubim. Each cherub had two faces: a mans face looking at a palmtree on one side, and a lions face looking at a palmtree on the other; thus they were figured on every side throughout the whole temple. From the ground to the lintel of the door the cherubim and palmtrees were carved on the walls…………Each door had two movable leaves; two leaves were on one doorjamb and two on the other. Carved upon them (on the doors of the nave) were cherubim and palmtrees, like those carved on the walls. Before the vestibule outside was a wooden lattice. There were splayed windows (and palmtrees) on both side walls of the vestibule, and the side chambers of the temple……” FIRST, I want you to realize that the Bible, though rich in history, rich in the literature of the Lord, rich in authority, is not an ABSOLUTE source of faith. Therefore, the bible is a guide, with the Holy Spirit in the proper practice of the faith. The notion that the Bible is the SOLE source of what we should look upon with is quite correct, but not absolutely. Hindi po porket wala sa bibliya ay mali na. It is because, the Holy Spirit, working with us until Jesus comes again, continues to inspire us and lead us to the truths. That the source of our faith is not only confined with the Bible. Remember that the Bible is a compilation of books, compiled by the early Church and translated to Latin by St. Jerome under the pontificate of Pope St. Damasus I in 380 AD. It is meant to guide us. But is not the only source of guidance. Andyan ang Magisterium, andyan ang mga early Church Fathers, andyan ang HOLY SPIRIT. SECONDLY, I pray that you understand that SOLA SCRIPTURA (SCRIPTURES ALONE) is very wrong. Dont be BOOK-BASED CHRISTIANS (meaning all that you believe is based only on the LITERAL INTERPRETATION of the Bible) Wag pong ganun. You lose the essence of believing in the continuing grace of the Holy Spirit which continues to nourish us until today as promised by Jesus Himself. You reject that thought by believing only what is written, and therefore, rejecting what is not. You are committing a sin against DIVINE REVELATION (the continual manifestation of God to His people through His creation) and DIVINE PROVIDENCE (surely, I hope that you understand these concepts since you are a Christian). THIRDLY, all of the Churchs teachings are biblical, though not directly stated in the Bible. Hindi po porket wala kayong nabasa agad na statement na, Gumawa kayo ng mga rebulto ayon sa etc etc. eh mali na agad iyon. Eto po ang problema ng marami sa mga kapatid na Kristiyano ngayon. Masyado pong LITERAL ang interpretasyon ninyo sa Bibliya. Porke hindi nila nabasa, hindi na itinuro. Porke ito ang nakasulat, eh ung literal na pakahulugan na agad ang susundin. TANDAAN po na there are PROPER WAYS on understanding and studying the Bible. If you havent heard of the word HERMENEUTICS, EISEGESIS, and EXEGESIS, then, I presume, you sir, have failed yourself in the proper understanding of the Bible. You will be like the Pharisees during the time of Jesus who were put off by Him saying that they will not be saved unless they eat His flesh and drink His blood. They took it as CANNIBALISM. They thought he was mad. They didnt know that the Lord is pointing to the Eucharist, as partaking to the bread and wine which turns into His real Body and blood through transubstantiation during consecration, and as another meaning, that is his mystical body - the Church. FOURTH, may I ask you sir? Where is it in the Bible that Jesus instructed the Apostles to make a book to believe in? If this is so, following your seeming line of argument that you believe ONLY what is in the Bible, then why do you trust in the Bible so much? If Jesus did not command the creation of the Bible, if it is not written in the Bible to create the Bible, then, is it wrong to create the book? Is it wrong to compile His teachings just because it is not written in the Bible in itself? (Take note, Im not saying that we should not believe what is in the Bible, Im just demonstrating the conclusion if we would follow your way of argumentation.) The same argument is true with placing graven images and depictions of saints in the Houses of Worship. Just because it is not written in the Bible, it doesnt mean that it is wrong. Yes, God did not command for making the statues of the saints and other depictions, but it does not NEGATE, i repeat it does not NEGATE nor VIOLATE any commandment of God. Peace be with you Like · 9 · 15 hours ago · Edited Christian Erick Tarronas Ken Lopez And you said may purpose yun, eto rin namang mga statues and images are made for a purpose sir. Hindi po para sambahin ang mga iyon mismo, kundi para maalala namin kung sino ang mga nagbuwis ng buhay para sa pananampalatayang Kristiyano, kung sino ang mga naging bayani ng pananampalataya, at kung Sino ang tunay na dapat sambahin at iyun ay ang Diyos. When you take the passage and commandment in the Bible not to make images of anything on heaven and on earth literally, then by all means, lets destroy the statues of Rizal and other Philippine heroes, lets label artists, painters, sculptors as blasphemers and sinners of the second commandment. And also, by following your argument, you are saying that the Jews who adorned their temple on Ezekiel 14:17-26 are also violators. Eto po, sa vatican website, comparison of the written scriptural commandments: ung third column is the formula used by Catholics. The first column is what is written in the Bible, and you can see na the first line of the 2nd commandment says You shall not have other gods beside me. And in comparison sa Catholic formula, it was compressed into you shall not have other gods beside me. May mali ba dito? Iniba ba ng Simbahan ang sinabi ng Diyos? Hindi po. Kasi po, ang main point po ng Diyos ay ang pagsamba sa mga diyos-diyosan. Oo nga po at nakikita nyo kami na nagba-bow sa harap ng mga rebulto, pero ang pag-bow, pag-yukod namin ay hindi nakaalay sa mga ito mismo, kundi sa pinatutungkulan nila -- ang mga santot santa, ang Diyos. At isa pa, hindi po namin pinagsisilbihan ang mga ito. Like · 6 · 14 hours ago · Edited Reina Rivera ke ano pa po ang relihiyon po natin sama sama po tayo manalangin sa itaas may kanya kanya man paniniwala di po b?di k lang matandaan eh yung verse na nabasa k sa bible ito po yun huhusgaan po tayo ayon sa ating nagawa o ginawa paki hanap na lang po.,babangon ang tacloban at ang mga lugar na napinsala wag lang po mawalan ng pag asa ang mga kababayan natin tulong tulong po tayo god bless to everyone po Like · 3 · 14 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas opo, tama po yan, kaya nga po ang pagkakaiba natin sa doctrinal issues ay dapat isantabi, ako po ay sumasagot lamang sa mga taong naninira po sa amin, kasi matagal na pong walang nagtatanggol sa Catholics. Akala po tuloy ng iba eh tunay na mali ang mga turo dito. Inuulit ko po, sa mga panahong ganito, sana po ay isantabi muna ang mga doctrinal issues. Hindi po ba kayo nalulungkot at iisa lang ang ating Diyos pero nag-aaway pa tayo?, Ayun lamang po. salamat Like · 8 · 14 hours ago Flames Quierrez tama po d namn tyo maililigtas ng kahit anong secta ng pananampaltya....ang prsonal nating pananampaltta at relesyon sa dyos ang makapagliligtas sa atin through JESUS CHRIST...... Like · 4 · 13 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Flames Quierrez, faith WITH spiritual and corporal works of mercy Like · 6 · 13 hours ago Grace Flair Bakit ba anu ba problema mo sa catholic???? Like · 1 · 13 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Im actually defending it po. Like · 5 · 13 hours ago Nelson Bascao Guys... wag nyo na lang pong pansinin ang mga naninira sa mga katolikong tulad ko... di ba nga po sabi NIYA, MAHALIN MO ANG IYONG KAAWAY.... isama nalng natin sila sa mga dasal natin... Like · 12 hours ago Nelson Bascao 2nd time ko nang narinig ung Catholic Faith Defenders.... wala akong idea tungkol sa kanila... pero kaya ko idefend ang catholic kahit hindi ako member nito .... hehehe...GO! GUYS! LETS HELP EACH OTHER... MAPAKOTOLIKO O IBANG RELIHIYON PA YAN.... Like · 3 · 12 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Ive heard so much about them too Like · 2 · 12 hours ago Salot Po Kau may bago akong nadiskobre, basahin natin. ROSITAs letter ******* TRANSLATION: (Copy of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals reserved in favor of ROSITA and against Manalo.) Perhaps the reason why Liloy resigned is because Manalo attempted to coerce Amada. All these people he violated fear to speak up because they were threatened to be killed if they do speak, like what he did with Basilia Santos of Paco, who was pointing at Manalo as the father of her two children. This was well-known in Paco. Before Manalo went to America, he brought me to the house of the Protacio in Pasay. But in less than a month he came to take me back, worrying that I could have told the Protacio everything that he did to me. When I refused to go with him, he threatened me with a revolver and with his strength he forced me to come with him. Afterwards he excommunicated the Protacio family and accused them falsely. He spends all his monthly salary of P1,300.00 in women and lewd activities, while the poor workers in the Church receive only P5.00, P10.00, P15.00, P20.00 a month. All your contributions which you offer to God goes to him, which he spends in all his lewd activities. I told all these things to brother Doro when Manalo was in America. In this manner would you allow Manalo to take advantage of the members and accept the Church in the name of God? Do you not love the Church? Your wives and daughters are in danger of suffering from the lusts of that man whom you consider and revere as a preacher of the words of God. I confess to you all these things and leave you the decision, which you can make if you truly love the Church and God. In persuading the women he loves, whether a maiden or a married woman, he mentions the many wives of Solomon and claims that the man sent of God should be made happy, and the consent and agreement to his desires is honorable in the eyes of God. Your ill-fated sister� ROSITA Like · 12 hours ago Ken Lopez Ang tao po ba ay kailangan umasa sa tradisyon na ala naman po sa kasulatan na inimbento lang po ng tao?san po ba ang kaligtasan nun??pwede po ba malaman..,nakasulat po sa Bible Jesus is the only way,e bat marami pa po kailangan gawin para maligtas,di pa po ba sapoat yun?? Like · 1 · 11 hours ago · Edited John de Guzman doktrina po yata ng katoliko yan , Like · 11 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas Sir, yung tinutukoy mo po ngayon eh sa isip nyo hindi kailangan ng tradisyon. Tama po ba? Kung ibabase po natin sa Bible, eto po ang nakasulat, I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you (1 Cor. 11:2). ALSO, St. Paul urged in his epistle, 2 Thessalonians 2: 15, So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter. Ang Sacred Tradition (as handed down by the Apostles) and the Holy Scriptures are components of the Deposit of Faith. Ibig sabihin, dito po nakaugat ang pananampalataya ng mga Katoliko (generally noon, lahat ng Christians ito ang source of faith, until dumating ang protestant reformation who taught SOLA SCRIPTURA, and SOLA FIDE during the 16th century at itinakwil ang sacred tradition.) Ang sacred tradition ay kasama ng sacred scriptures. Ibig sabihin, hindi lang basta tradition ang sinasama sa pananampalataya. The traditions as handed down by the apostles, ultimately point towards Jesus, kaya theres no harm in them. Different Churches (the churches of antioch, rome, asia minor) during those times, have also different traditions na hanggang ngayon eh evident on how they worship and how they live as a Christian community. These traditions were also the ones that kept them steadfast to their faith. Makikita mo, may celtic Christians, may Orthodox Christians, Coptic Christians, all having different traditions, pero all pointing towards the worship of God. Mahalaga po ang Sacred Tradition sa paniniwalang Kristiyano. Mabibigla po ba kayo kung sabihin ko sa inyong ang Bibliya ay nabuo mula sa Sacred Tradition? Ito ay ang tinatawag na Oral Tradition. Ito ay ang mga turo ng ma apostoles, at ng mga tagapasunod nila, na hindi nasusulat noong mga unang siglo ng Simbahan. Ibig sabihin, bago naisulat ang mga New Testament books sila ay pinapasalin-salin by word of mouth, at ito ang Oral Traditional Roman UCatholicn. Until isinulat sila, at ngayoy tinatawag nating New Testament Books. Kung wala ito, walang New Testament books. Isang pruweba dito, hindi lahat ng Libro sa New Testament ay sinulat mismo ng mga tao kung kanino sila nakapangalan. Minsan, ang nagsulat ng mga libro na ito ay yaong mga nakapakinig sa itinuro ng apostoles at ng mga tagapasunod nila, tapos ay ipinangalan na lang nila sa mga apostoles na nangaral nito. Heto po, isang sipi mula sa isang website: Deposit of Faith = Apostolic Tradition (or Sacred Oral Tradition) + Sacred Scriptures Apostolic Tradition--Jesus commissioned the Apostles to go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you (Mt.28: 19-20). He promised that the Holy Spirit would instruct you in everything and remind you of all that I have told you (John 14:26). Just before his ascension into heaven Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation (Mk 16: 15). He commanded them to do precisely what He himself had done, namely, deliver the Word of God to the people by the living voice and granted them, through the Holy Spirit, the gift of tongues. He told them, He who hears you hears me and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects Him who sent me. (Luke 10:16) It was by this oral Apostolic Tradition that the Church discerned which books should be included in the New Testament. Many were already in use in the house churches (Christianity was underground for three centuries and much persecuted) St. Augustine endorses the same position when he says: I should not believe the Gospel except on the authority of the Catholic Church (Con. epist. Manichaei, fundam., n. 6). As St. Paul urged in his epistle, 2 Thessalonians 2: 15, So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter. The books of the New Testament were written between about 45 A.D. and as late as 100 A.D. but were not put into a defined canon or single collection until the end of the fourth century. Why not? The Holy Spirit protected the oral Tradition or Apostolic Tradition taught by the true Church, which by 100 A.D. was already known as the Catholic Church. See the seven letters of Ignatius of Antioch, accepted by both Protestant and Catholic scholars as legitimate. Sacred Tradition has for its subject the Holy Spirit, indwelling the Church as the soul animates the body. The Spirit guides the Church in its interpretation of the Word and in its liturgy. ANOTHER FORM THE CATHECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH I. THE APOSTOLIC TRADITION 75 Christ the Lord, in whom the entire Revelation of the most high God is summed up, commanded the apostles to preach the Gospel, which had been promised beforehand by the prophets, and which he fulfilled in his own person and promulgated with his own lips. In preaching the Gospel, they were to communicate the gifts of God to all men. This Gospel was to be the source of all saving truth and moral discipline.32 In the apostolic preaching. . . 76 In keeping with the Lords command, the Gospel was handed on in two ways: - orally by the apostles who handed on, by the spoken word of their preaching, by the example they gave, by the institutions they established, what they themselves had received - whether from the lips of Christ, from his way of life and his works, or whether they had learned it at the prompting of the Holy Spirit;33 - in writing by those apostles and other men associated with the apostles who, under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit, committed the message of salvation to writing.34 . . . continued in apostolic succession 77 In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church the apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them their own position of teaching authority.35 Indeed, the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time.36 78 This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it. Through Tradition, the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she herself is, all that she believes.37 The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer.38 79 The Fathers self-communication made through his Word in the Holy Spirit, remains present and active in the Church: God, who spoke in the past, continues to converse with the Spouse of his beloved Son. And the Holy Spirit, through whom the living voice of the Gospel rings out in the Church - and through her in the world - leads believers to the full truth, and makes the Word of Christ dwell in them in all its richness. In short, when we speak of traditions, hindi lang po iyon yung mga, tradisyon na pyesta, or pagpapakain, or prusisyon. It is much deeper. Traditions are the living and outward manifestations of the faith transmitted by the Apostles to the faithful. It is a part of the deposit of faith, therefore, it is necessary for the correct faith of the faithful contributing to his salvation. Like · 9 · 10 hours ago · Edited JM Soriano religion war nanaman ang nangyayari dito kung mag tulungan na lang kaya kayo? Like · 10 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas were not in a war, or in any dispute, My friend here is just asking questions, and its only right to answer them. Like · 6 · 10 hours ago · Edited Lyn Dax Can you pray even without this images? Like · 1 · 10 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas yes of course maam Like · 2 · 10 hours ago Lyn Dax Thanks for replying....I believed you are intelligent person God will bring you to right path...just keep on praying and learn more about his teaching using our Holy Bible. Who prohibit to read the Bible long before? Like · 2 · 10 hours ago Christian Erick Tarronas No one prohibited the use of the Bible maam, esp. not in the Early medieval church (if thats what you mean). During the early times, there were no printing press, and understandably, the only way to reproduce a Bible is to dedicate ones life in rewriting them. Imagine how tedious that would be. Scribe monks were usually the ones who do this. So, sometimes, other churches would display the bible during the early times and place them in chains, mainly because these are very expensive and are hard to re-copy (handwriting lang po). So its understandable why not everyone has a Bible during those times. Another thing is that not everyone knows how to read. Majority are illiterate not because they were denied of education, but people back then prioritize work in the fields and other industries. Remember that education back then was a luxury and not yet a basic right. This is also the same reason why the Church commissioned paintings and sculptures to be made which will tell the Salvation history in the Bible, at least, in a way that people would understand --visually. So, the church never prohibited the proliferation of the Bible, it is just the crude tools or items back then and the priorities of the people wont allow it. But still the Bible stories are still being taught to the faithful everytime the priest makes a sermon, it is for Gospels are all based in the Bible. So, when you attend mass for a year, youll be able to finish at least 1 book from the 4 Gospel books. The proliferation of the Bible only came about when the printing press was invented. Most importantly maam, whose effort was it that made possible for the creation of the Bible? If you know your History of Christianity, (and I hope you do) youll learn that through the efforts of the Roman Church did the Bible became canonical, therefore it became a basis for the Christian faith. Through the Latin translation of the Bible by St. Jerome in 3rd century AD, did the Bible become an official usage for the Christians. I also hope maam that you not only read your Holy Bible, but please do take time to read, research, contemplate and understand the History of Christianity. For in reading the History, there youll be able to discern so many things about why and how the Churches evolved into what they are today. How come there are so many divided churches which ultimately started with only one? How did Christianity become prevalent? Why is there multiplicity of Bible interpretations and translations? What are the Sacraments? And so on Like · 4 · 6 hours ago Lyn Dax As what Ive said your intelligent and smart used it ....God show light to those in finding him.....dont complicate things with simple question you are able to answer yes therefore continue searching and I know one day....God will lead you there. I respect what you believed......but my belief has a differ understanding . Ive commented because i was amazed with your gain knowledge. try to read EXodo 20: 4-6 and Isaias 42: 8. Sometimes it hard to accept the reality...being a philosopher is easy ....i love philosophy though we need to open our heart and mind to Gods simple teachings. Like · about an hour ago · Edited Anthony Ritual mga kapatid hango ba sa bibliya ang mga sinasabi ninyo magandang pagusapan ang relihiyon na dapat ay hango sa bibliya malaki ang matutunan natin kng sa bibliya natin sasagotin ang bawa katanungan,. kasi ang bibliya ay natupad upang tayo ay maligtas ndi para pagawayan.. Like · about an hour ago
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:33:58 +0000

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