Christian Faith Wrote this pathetic piece: Good Morning - TopicsExpress


Christian Faith Wrote this pathetic piece: Good Morning Friends, I want to tell everyone that allah is not the true God, because allah is gullible, he can be deceived quran 2;9 worship Yaweh, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua, Yaweh) Lol I simply asked him to tell the whole world; what is the name or attributes of God in his mother’s tongue? But he failed woefully! Now, I will counsel this pathetic sheep: Christian Faith; For example if you are an Igbo, you may say God is Chineke. If you are Yoruba, you may say God is Olorun. If you are Ebira, you may say God is Ohomorihi. If you are an Edo Person, you may say God is Osanogwa. If you are from Somorika, you may say Oshokunu. If you are a Hausa or a Jew, you may say God is Ubangiji or Eloi respectively…. So the name of the supreme God depends on the language we speak…….. Now I am asking you; do the Arabs don’t have a name for the supreme God of the universe??? Well, it is therefore important to note that you Christians are not really interested in studying the Quranic Language of Arabic; am not surprised though, if only you have ever took your time to study the Injeel given to Jesus too…… Because, the Injeel {Gospel} was not the Bible and can never be! Or did Jesus speak in English? Is he an English man? However, I will quickly remind You that all Languages were created by ALLAH {God} and so every language has a word for the Supreme God…… So in which ever language one addresses God, provided one does not violate any of His attributes, it is right…….. My dear, it is however important to also note that Jesus (P.B.U.H) prayed in his mother’s tongue which is Aramaic, as he could not speak any other Language like English, French, Swahili or Yoruba…… Other Prophets of Allah also spoke in their mother’s tongues for the same reason.(i.e. they can’t speak any other language)…. The name of God in Arabic Language which is the Quranic Language is ALLAH. Everyone therefore can call on God in the language he/she speaks….. In respect of this logical write up, the Qur’an did not forget to mention it,Surah al-Isra {17:110}; “Saya, call upon ALLAH or call upon Rahman, by which ever name you call Him {it is fit) for to him belongs the most beautiful names”. Several Verses in the Qur’an further emphasized on this………. Surah Al-A’raf {7:180}, Surah Ta’Ha {20:8}; that to ALLAH belongs the most beautiful names…….. But why do we Muslims then prefer calling the creator of heavens and earth by the Arabic name “Allah” instead of the general English name “God’??? The reason is simple, you should get it in to your head and perhaps try and digest it…………. That Allah is a Pure unique word……… The only name of the supreme God that cannot be pluralized…… Let’s examine this carefully with full reasoning………. Suffix and Prefix to the name “God” which you stick by! (1)-------God+s=gods….. There is nothing like ‘Allahs’ in Arabic…… . (2)-------God+des =goddess {a female god}…...... ALLAH has got no gender……… (3)-------God+father =godfather………. There is nothing like Allah father in Islam... (4)-------God+mother = godmother…… There is nothing like Allah mother in Islam. And that is why we Muslims prefer calling the creator of heavens and the earth by the name “ALLAH”… God is never the appropriate word for the Creator………. Now I challenge you to show me a single Verse from your Bible or the Glorious Quran where it says Allah is not God! Or Allah is moon god according to your madness! If you fail, then, youve got no choice than submit to Allah your Creator!!! The Creator of Jesus whom you worship Perhaps you are trying to tell me that you don’t even know whom the Creator heavens and earth is………… Ignorance is a Capital disease which no doctor can treat except Islam……. You’ve got no choice than accept Islam and be save!!!!!!!! But soon or latter, to Allah is your return!!! Surrender now or you perish in Hell Fire!!! Jesus cannot save you! Finally; Please open to the Book attributed to Moses in Deuteronomy 32:8-9 and tell me: ---Who is the Most High in Verse 8 and Who is the LORD in Verse 9? (El Elyon translates as most High while Yahweh translates as Lord; here we see two different entities... El Elyon gave Yahweh the land of Israel as Yahwehs inheritance)... We are Calling Christians Now! Allahu Akbar
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 08:17:14 +0000

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