Christian, I hope you see that the times are changing. I hope you - TopicsExpress


Christian, I hope you see that the times are changing. I hope you arent surprised, because the Word of God CLEARLY shows us the way things will be as we approach the end of the Age of Grace. As wickedness increases and Gods people do nothing, when they should be standing firmly upon the Word of God and sharing the truth of Gods great Grace offered in the blood of His only Son, Jesus, we should know from the events of the past in Bible history, that we must expect judgement to fall upon our nation, as we murder the innocent unborn at an alarming rate and legalize all sorts of abominations. Christian, The Word of God clearly tells us not to take part in the things the world allows and even encourages but that violate Gods righteous commandments. Your government, your friends, your family or perhaps even your denomination or church may encourage you to turn from the truth, but Gods Word will never change. Someday, you may be required to renounce the truth of Gods Word or face the loss of your freedom, your family, your career, your property or even your life. The events of the past few days are only the beginning. God promised to spare us from HIS wrath to come, but He did not promise to spare us from persecution. Conversely, Jesus told us that the world hated Him and that we can, as His followers, expect the same. This is when we really have to know in whom we trust. Do you REALLY love and trust in Jesus? Do you trust Jesus with your ETERNAL life? Will you stand for Him as your Lord and Savior when that time comes? Will you pledge uncompromising loyalty to the truth of the Word of God when a decision is demanded of you? Will you DEFEND the truth in your actions and decisions in the coming days? Remember, the Word advises us to examine ourselves, to see if we are in the faith.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:32:51 +0000

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