Christian Maturity As a Christian you are never done growing or - TopicsExpress


Christian Maturity As a Christian you are never done growing or maturing in Christ. But a Christian who is growing and maturing should began to develop the mentality of Jesus. There are things you start to understand when you are maturing in Christ. A mature Christian understands its not about what you want for yourself. It is not about your likes or dislikes. A mature Christian understands its about Gods plan and Gods will for your life. A mature Christian makes the effort to put God first in every aspect of life. You seek Gods will and you live to please God. You make a conscience effort to remain in Christ. A mature Christian makes a conscience effort to obey the 10 commandments. You pursue a Holy lifestyle but you understand you are not Holy. You do good deeds but you understand you are not good. You succeed in areas of life but you understand you are not successful. A mature Christian is humble, abandoning your own self identity and becoming a nobody. So in Christ you can help somebody and make a difference with God. Always giving God the praise and Glory. Remembering it is not you but God who is Holy and Good. And He alone is successful. This is Christian maturity. Denying yourself the sinful pleasures of the world. Making a conscience decision to avoid temptation and any situation that can separate you from God. This is Christian maturity. Understanding that there is no place in your heart for anger and bitterness. There is no place in your heart for envy and lust. There is no place in your heart for hate and vengeance. You have a Christ like mentality. Love first, Love all and Forgive first, Forgive all. You know longer worry about life or your circumstances. You live for Christ each day like it is your last day because you understand that the next day is not promised or guaranteed. This is Christian maturity. Making the choice to carry your cross. A mature Christian is ready and prepared to suffer for God. In Luke chapter 22: 42. Jesus Christ shows us the mentality a mature Christian should have. Jesus knows what he is about to go through. He knows the pain and suffering he is about to experience. But still as he prays and talks to God. He does not complain No. He does not question God No. He does not back down from His responsibility No. But instead He says “Father God if you are willing ,” meaning if that is what you want to do. “Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will and not mine.” Jesus Christ was ready and prepared to suffer for God. Even knowing the outcome. Jesus accepted and wanted the will of God. He wanted to do things Gods way according to Gods plan. The perfect example of Christian Maturity..Faith..Hope..Love
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:45:11 +0000

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