Christian Parents are Losing Their Children Family It was - TopicsExpress


Christian Parents are Losing Their Children Family It was first preached more than 30 years ago, but it is still relevant today. See the book Keeping the Kids from Way of Life Literature for more on this subject. It is quite obvious today that many Christians are losing their children. There is nothing in their lives to give rise to the hope that they are bound for Heaven. In the light of Prov. 22:6, it appears that they are not being raised in the way they should go, or they would not depart from the Lord. I would like to look at some of the reasons why Christians are losing their children. THEY WILL NOT MAKE THEM ATTEND ALL THE SERVICES As long as they live in your home and receive all the benefits of that home, they must be made to be in all the church meetings. You are not to stick around and lament their lack of spirituality; church attendance is required whether they are loving it or not. THEY WILL NOT THROW OUT THE TELEVISION SET The “sin box” is the greatest detriment to your childs salvation that you can have in your house. The Lords name is taken in vain, and you sit there and do nothing. Fornication comes into your living room, and your children are feeding on it until they become inflamed and strike out after the world. THEY WILL NOT KEEP THEM FROM DATING THE LOST We are commanded to keep our children from marrying the lost (2 Cor. 6:14; Deut. 7:3,4). Since dating always precedes marriage we must not allow them to date the unsaved while they are under our roof. THEY WILL NOT HAVE MEANINGFUL FAMILY DEVOTIONS Most Christians have no family devotions at all. When they do become convicted about this neglect, they often have family devotions just so they can say they did it. The father should see that a meaningful time of Bible reading and prayer is conducted with questions and answers for all to profit. THEY WILL NOT SPANK THEIR CHILDREN A father who does not spank his children does not love them (Prov. 13:24) A failure to discipline will lead to a surly manner and lack of respect. Overlooking disobedience will lead to open defiance in the teen years. It is great wisdom on the part of a parent to spank the child (Prov. 19:18; 23:13,14). THEY WILL NOT ENROLL THEM IN A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Fathers who keep their children in public school for sports are very foolish. There is nothing spiritual about sports in a pagan schoolhouse. Enter them in a Christian school and dont ask them whether they want to go--just do it. Cancel your IRA, trade down the car, sell the house, do what you have to do, but dont let the heathen have them to educate (Jer. 10:2). [Note from Brother Cloud: In our experience, a good home schooling education is often superior educationally and spiritually than one from a Christian school.]
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:46:56 +0000

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