Christianity, Are We Making it Too Hard? Mike Bonner - TopicsExpress


Christianity, Are We Making it Too Hard? Mike Bonner When we notice the things the first century church encountered, we have to ask ourselves, “Am I making Christianity harder than what I should?” What is so hard about Loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind? Why is it difficult to love my neighbor as myself? How can perfect my thoughts and bring them into captive to the obedience of Christ? Christianity is all about morality and conscience! God has called us out of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son. No more are we to identify with the worlds system of thought; however, we are to be renewed in mind by the Spirit’s teaching (Rom. 12.1-2; Titus 3.3-5). When considering the law of Christ (God’s code of ethics to bend the will), God wants us to be like Him as He created us (1 Cor. 9.22; Gen. 1.4; 26-27; 2.7). For this purpose He gave us conscience to live by. However, we keep in mind that our conscience must be guided safely by His word in order for it to be a safe guide. When considering the hardest thing about Christianity, it must be our will to do what God has said. We must take Jesus at His word and do what He says. Mary said, “Whatsoever He says, do it”, Peter stated, “Nevertheless at your word, I will cast the net” and the Father said, “this is My beloved Son, in whom I’m well pleased, hear ye Him”! Let’s just do what God has said and all will be well. God bless.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 02:22:05 +0000

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