Christianity I will start here first with a similarity; the sin - TopicsExpress


Christianity I will start here first with a similarity; the sin problem. The religious systems we have discussed (which, including Christianity, are the five biggest religious systems) believe that we are wrought with sin. In fact one would be hard pressed to find someone who does not believe we are sinful, or at the least there is evil in the world. The answer to the sin problem is where things begin to cause division. There is good news! Amongst all these systems there are only two answers. Is the sin problem made right (making us righteous, more to come on that) by some form of works or simply through faith? The systems so far have answered the question of the sin problem by saying we have to do works to end up in a better place in the next life be it in reincarnation or in heaven. To briefly recap the Hindu believes good works are needed to move up the caste system in the next life. The Buddhist believes good works will get one closer to perfection. The Jew and the Muslim both believe that our good works must outweigh the evil in our lives and must be coupled with a belief in God (or allah for the Muslim) in order to maintain access to heaven. Side Note: I would be remiss if I were to not mention the fact here that Judaism, islam, and Christianity all find their roots in the same origin; Abraham. To give you a quick picture of this 1) a promise was made to Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation. 2) Abraham and Sarah had doubts (at 90 some years of age they were still childless), so Sarah sent Abraham to sleep with Hagar (Sarah’s servant) to give them offspring. 3) Ishmael was the result. 4) Then some 13 years later Sarah had Isaac. 5) Like any other ‘Jerry Springer episode’ this caused issues. Judaism claims their right through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and down through David waiting on a messiah to come. The muslim claims their right through Ismael, with no evidence to validate connection (different topic for a different day). The Christians claim their right through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, down through David, and into Jesus. Christianity is the only religious system that requires no works in order to be made righteous. The only thing required is an honest faith in Christ. As the next few days go along I will talk more about this. I will discuss true saving faith, works (and works righteousness), I will discuss true freedom (including the fact that true freedom restrains), and how all of this points to Christ alone (which will inevitably touch on trinity). So, I guess what I am saying is that I thought this might be a week long discussion for me will turn into much longer. If I may take a moment to end this in a quick prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word and for Your love. Please give us all understanding and discernment as we read and learn more about a relationship with You. Let us first walk in Your perfect will while bringing glory to Your name never to our own.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:12:20 +0000

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