Christianity is the most credible approach to critical thinking - TopicsExpress


Christianity is the most credible approach to critical thinking there is. It assumes everything is planned and designed, and therefore refuses to dismiss anything as coincidence or chance. It searches and searches until it finds purpose, significance, and function. Atheism gave us scientific idiocy such as junk DNA and vestigial organs. It assumes chance, miracles of statistical impossibility, order from chaos, information from accidents, astounding complexity from absolutely nothing. Evolution cannot explain what everything ultimately comes from. Atheist thinkers like Richard Dawkins speculates maybe aliens seeded life here eons ago. Im not sure why he has trouble believing in an extra-terrestrial, a higher life-form on multiple planes of existence called God. As C. S. Lewis explains, if you truly believe thoughts which lead you to believe there is no God are random and the result of chaotic coincidence, your thoughts must intrinsically be unreliable, as therefore are your conclusions.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:45:40 +0000

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