Christianity or Christianism Religions throughout the world that - TopicsExpress


Christianity or Christianism Religions throughout the world that claim to be exclusive often have ‘ism’ at the end of their names, which reflects the fact they are designed to cause a schism between those who choose to follow their cultic beliefs, and those who don’t. Christianity is the only one that brings people together in loving unity; while Christianism is what most Christians put their faith in, excluding those who do not agree with their practices. References: Geneses 1:1-2:4, 2:5-5:2, 12-25, and 25-49; Exodus 19-20; Deuteronomy 26-30; 1Kings 4 and 9; 1Chronicles 14; 2Chronicles 32-33; Esther 8 and 9; Psalms 47, 49, 67, 72, 117, and 148; Isaiah 25, 56, and 66; Jeremiah 3 and 31-33; Daniel 4 and 5; Jonah; Nahum; Habakkuk 2; Haggai 2; Malachi 3; Matthew 3, 5-7, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 28; Mark 1 and 13; Luke 2, 3, and 24; Romans 16; 1Corinthians 4; 2 Peter 1; and Revelation 14-15 and 18 Unlike the majority of religions and religious Christians, God did not establish His Body on Earth to judge and condemn others. In fact, anyone who follows Christ will offer their life as a ransom for the life of another. Christianism teaches the selling of beliefs, coercion, or murder of those who do not believe as the particular sect does, while Christ taught, and acted on, the fact that if you truly love someone, you will offer your life so they can have another moment in which to come into an intimate relationship with God. The institutional church was founded by those who chose to have Moses mediate their relationship with God in Exodus 20, after everyone heard the voice of God speak the Decalogue (10 statements of fact, not commandments). It evolved throughout the Hebrew Testament, degenerating into a variety of sects that excluded anyone who did not fit their idea of how someone following their god should look, or act. Of course, the enemy won a major battle when Constantine institutionalized the church. Some church leaders had already chosen to follow the institutional aspects of the Hebrew church, establishing rules and combating heresy, which Christ, Himself, did not combat, but the institutionalization of the church has led to many people being converted to Christianism, rather than Christianity. Christ came to redeem His Body and teach us how to live a life in intimacy with God. Christ lived His life based on, and exhibiting the power of, the commission of mankind given in Genesis 1:1-2:4. He did not come up with excuses for His god being different from the God of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and the prophets. He did not justify His actions that did not honor God. He simply lived the life He was created to live, in intimacy with God, and in that, pleased Him. So many different sects of Christianism exist today, it would be impossible to list them all. It would even be impossible to explain their beliefs in ways that every member of the sect could accept. Most judge others within their own sect, much less those of other sects. I have been amazed in my life, how many people will tell you those who don’t believe as they do will go to hell. I believe most pastors do not mean to teach their congregations and sects to judge. However, that is the effect they have on their followers, when they do not encourage them, by word, example, and deed, to accept the most depraved people into their homes, cars, and assemblies. The fact that Jesus the Christ dined with the sinners and tax collectors is not something abstract and theoretical. Those who think they are righteous do not need God, or Christ. Only those who recognize the fact they hurt others, and desire to stop doing so, need Christ and allow Him to cleanse them. Christ did not come into this world to establish an institution. He came into this world to tear down the institutions people had established. Hierarchical structures have no place in the Body of Christ. Anyone can, and should, learn from everyone around them. Christ is the teacher and everyone we meet is an instrument He utilizes in the classroom of life. Either we acknowledge this and submit only to Christ, or we submit to the enemy through his organizations and hierarchies, which have no place in the Body of Christ. Just as the neurons and molecules in our blood cells are just as important as our brain, muscles, and skeleton, in the body of Christ, no one, and no thing, is more important or worthy than anyone, or anything, else. I don’t care what kind of rational decisions you make, unless you get your body to manifest them physically, through speech, action, or refusal to act. I also don’t care what you are rationally telling your right hand to do, if your right hand has been amputated. I am tired of people telling me they are Christians, or judging someone else as a ‘good’ Christian, while they, or the person they are judging, are living a life that does not honor Christ. To judge someone as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is something Christ told us not to do, not to mention everyone who served Him and did the same in both testaments of the Bible. When we judge, we prove we are eating the fruit that was forbidden in the garden. If we want to be like Christ, we need to confess our desire to judge, and ask Him to cleanse us, and teach us to discern His perspective for a situation. Judging someone as a ‘good’ Christian is giving a god’s endorsement to their most private thoughts and actions, which is spiritual abuse. Judgment of any kind should wait until the day we stand before the Lord. Christ did not condemn a person. He didn’t even tell people how they should live. He described a life that pleases God, and confronted those who came to Him seeking His endorsement of their misleading practices and teachings. Not once was He tested. Every time someone tried to challenge Him, they only proved their ignorance and deceit, which is why His corrections offended them, and led to His murder. Offense is evidence we have invested in something God did not invest in us. Cain, David, and the leaders of the church at the time of Christ all committed murder when someone offended them. David is the only one who repented, and let God cleanse him of the crap he had taken on earlier in life, which contributed to his disobedience, so he would never sin with a woman, or commit murder, again. In the end, David was a man after God’s own heart, because he was willing to let go of the lies and trust God.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 11:46:54 +0000

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