Christiano Ronaldo/Leonel Messi should n’t have been nominated - TopicsExpress


Christiano Ronaldo/Leonel Messi should n’t have been nominated for Ballon dOr, let alone won. If one were to make this statement, he/she should be immediately put in a mental asylum and that’s precisely where the Academy award jury members should be. I can’t understand for the life of me how two of the best performances last year failed to even get nominations 1. Robert Redford - All is Lost 2. Joaquin Phoenix – Her And it has been the vogue from time immemorial: Christopher Nolan is not good enough to be nominated Tom Hanks in ‘Philadelphia’ - better than Daniel Day-Lewis in ‘In the Name of the Father’; Denzel Washington in Training Day - better than Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind and Sean Penn in I Am Sam; Forrest Gump – better than Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption, Titanic – better than As Good as It Gets, Good Will Hunting and L.A. Confidential. Ranking this yr’s nominations for Best actor: 1.Chiwetel Ejiofor 2.Matthew McConaughey(Winner) 3.Bruce Dern 4.Leonardo DiCaprio and 5.Christian Bale Bale shouldn’t have been nominated as he was merely imitating Pacino and made a total fool out of himself. DeCaprio’s best remains The Aviator, all the other nominees were better that year, same this year.(dunno why this outcry for him; he’s a good actor not great) 12 Years a Slave deservedly won the Best picture, so did Cate Blanchett (what was Sandra bullock nominated for I’ve got no clue, there was practically nothing for her to ACT in Gravity). Jared Leto and Lupita Nyongo –fair enough, maybe. Fans of Gravity, please do watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick’s 1960s movie is miles ahead of Cuaron’s. 2001 is a movie fan’s delight. It’s profound, tortuous yet stimulating. Gravity is vapid and merely a visual/technical delight. Alexander Payne – Nebraska/Steve McQueen – 12 Years a Slave would ve been much better choices for Best director. Relieved that a train wreck of a movie American Hustle didn’t win even one. But how did that crap got 10 nominations?? #86thaCOMEDYAwards
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:13:58 +0000

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